Work Examiner employee monitoring software review

Work Examiner Employee Monitoring Software Review

Work Examiner is one of the software for employee monitoring used on both cloud and premises. It allows monitoring outputs by remote employees. It can help companies with three to ten thousand and above PCs to handle the task.

Employee monitoring or User Activity Monitoring (UAM) is crucial for managing staff to get the most out of them. It became increasingly important when the computer started being the primary tool on any workstation. Managers are unable to keep a watch on their staff all the time. How will he know that an employee is working for a company or wasting time on social media or any other entertainment site?

The challenge of keeping a check on an employee was increased when you have to manage remote employees, those working late hours or the ones getting paid on an hourly basis. Every manager was put to the test, for managing its staff during the pandemic which normalized the work from home strategy. Then to help managers with employee monitoring tasks, software came to the rescue. 

Employee monitoring software

One cannot always hover on its employee to ensure their productivity. Employee monitor software automatically monitors employee activities, including their attendance and uses of software on their computers. Managers can invigilate all these happenings in real-time from anywhere, i.e., remotely.

This employee monitoring or surveillance software may not be viral globally at this point. Nevertheless, in the United States, it is completely legal and allows managers with significant rights to be practiced.

What is Work Examiner

Work Examiner is a web-based software; however, it can be available both on-premises and on the web, which offers unlimited web access and logins to managers and admin. It is designed to hold data for six months. Work examiner provides security in the Amazon cloud and tracking even on offline mode.

Work Examiner does not offer any free version, but a free trial is offered by this software. It charges a one-time cost of $60 (starting cost) from each user, depending on which subscription you chose and the number of licenses to be purchased. The software has a calculator for payment to assist its customer on pricing matters. It provides support through phone calls, emails, chat, help desk, forums, and FAQs.

The only con reported by a client is about its mobile version, i.e., this software is design to deliver its services on PCs. 

The software is serving its target market for around 15years, and now enjoys credentials, including clienteles of 3 thousand worldwide, tracked approx. 50 million working hours, it has reported over 100k alerts for violation and promoted a 20% increase in employee productivity.

Getting started with Work Examiner

Three steps to enjoy the perks of this software are:

  1. Sign up for work examiner and choose a program to purchase according to your needs. You can even choose to try a free trial version before investing in it.
  2. Once you have decided on your program, download and install it on your computer. Customize settings that suit you well.
  3. Start monitoring your employees.

Work Examiner full version

Work examiner full versions are available in three editions, i.e., Standard, Professional, and Controlio. You can compare, select and purchase from them depending on your need. 

Controlio Edition

This version of Work Examiner allows productivity tracking of each employee and department through bar graph representation. Keep managers informed of any distractive activity. The cloud monitoring service is convenient for managers for spying on their people remotely.

Hourly tracking is offered for keeping a check on the first and last activity of the employee and any breaks between works. This version provides live streaming, i.e., live monitoring of employees’ actions, even for blocking any App or program.

Standard & Professional Edition

This version delivers an exhaustive and regular report on every minute spent on websites by each computer, its users, and departments. It provides reports for downloaded data in different formats. Both live streaming and recorded versions are offered that a manager can use to monitor at his convenience.

Web filtration is one of the most compelling features offered in this version of work examiner. A manager limits its people from using certain websites, i.e., adult websites, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to avoid any wastage of time distraction. Managers can also tailor this software to allow their staff 30 minutes of free browsing.


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The software spills its benefits by showing the status of employees, i.e., active or idle, to be managed and controlled accordingly. The reports, stats, data, and recordings gathered can then be used by managers to ensure proper utilization of a company’s resources with the least wastage.

Work Examiner keylogger

With a work examiner installed on their computer, employees may feel that they are being spied. But managers have pretty good reason to implement keylogger on their systems. Work Examiner keylogger is designed to record every click of the employee, installations, screenshots, every email they send, and every data they receive. Keylogger features can be customized to work invisibly means your employee or antivirus program won’t come to know about this through any icon etc.


The manager can keep an automatic track of employee productivity. Each user and department can be tracked here through a bar graph. These graphs show scores for every user and department along with distracting activities, if any

A manager can also customize work examiner software for recording the activity of its employee. The software keeps every detail of the email, i.e., reporting time, who it was sent to or received by, the content of an email, any attachment. As for chat tracking, the software supports messengers, including MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk, Windows Live, and XMPP client.

Work examiner smartly records the time spent on programs and websites; this includes both active and idle. Managers may modify software settings to obtain tracking reports from its user or group, i.e., hourly, daily, weekly, etc.

A screenshot of work examiner productivity analytics feature

Working hours

Tracking employees based on the hour is essential, especially when they are paid on an hourly basis. Work examiner allows this stalking through first and last activity, which displays intervals taken between work.

A screenshot of work examiner time tracking feature

Screen recording

This is like live monitoring of employee activity. Using this software enables a manager to have a live experience of moves made by an employee on his computer.

A representation of work examiner employee monitoring feature


Keylogger is a significant feature to keep an eye on as far as the threat of maintaining the company’s confidentiality is a concern for fraudulent activity and other security reasons. The benefits of the keyloggers feature are not limited to only employees. Parents can also benefit from this by having an eye and control over their child’s activity on the computer.

A screenshot of work examiner app utilization feature

Why managers need employee monitoring software?

It’s a modern need of time. Usually, there was a benching station in offices previously. Keeping an eye on employees with this type of workstation was still workable. With changing workstations that include ‘L’ station, Team station, private cubicles, etc., the practice of monitoring employees also changes—not forgetting about those remote and employees who are working from home.

With work examiner as a tool, a manager can manage and monitor activities on the computer along with stealth. These tools equipped managers with optimum control to limit and stop any unwanted move on computers. Practicing ethics, rules regulation of company and prevent any violation in real-time.

The notification and report system of software serves as a backup for the activities of employees and helps in better and timely decision making. These reports are supported to be downloaded or exported in CSV files or PDF format. Managers can schedule these reports according to their ease.

Recently I bumped into an old colleague who was looking for a home-based job. He luckily got one soon but unfortunately couldn’t take it. Why? Because he wanted to have this job for bringing particular money at the end of each month along with managing a small business he owned. He learned from the hiring company that he will be monitored via this employee monitoring software to ensure his online presence and work during those committed hours. 

The accountability, you know! This software smartly makes its users accountable for work. The software is empowering managers and assisting them in handling their staff at their fingertips.

Work examiner assists HR managers to evaluate appropriately and then reward employees fairly. It keeps track of latecomers, overtime workers, employees spending time on breaks, social media surfing, spending time on entertainment websites, etc.


Work examiner is one of the best employee monitoring software with a history of serving for more than a decade. Work examiner as employee monitoring software is essential for managers and companies, especially for handling remote and home-based employees. Hovering on every employee to make sure they are working sincerely is neither practical nor ethical.



The employee monitoring software assists managers immensely in handling this challenge. The reports obtained from work examiner software are easy to work on as they are in graph representation, live streaming, and recorded sessions. A manager can control and limit employee activities through this software and keep the company safe from any fraudulent activity or information leaks.

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