The ultimate virtual assistant services list

The Ultimate Virtual Assistant Services List: Outsourcing Your Tasks To Virtual Assistants

Wearing too many hats is a big no-no if you want to grow your business— doing everything by yourself will put your business at risk, and that’s something that we all want to avoid, right? 


Managing and growing a business is not an easy task.




From administrative virtual assistant tasks and marketing to customer service, these surely require time and effort.




If you are a business owner who wants to have more time to spend on core activities rather than time-consuming and repetitive tasks, you might want to consider hiring a virtual assistant. 


And if you have been wondering what tasks you can outsource to virtual assistants, here we provide you this ultimate virtual assistant services list.


List Of Virtual Assistant Services That Will Help You Grow Your Business



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Virtual assistants are known to be masters of all trades, which means they can do anything you want them to do!


However, it is important to have a clear goal of which service would make the most impact on your business and this is where our virtual assistant services list becomes useful.


1. Administrative work

Administrative work


We are starting our virtual assistant services list with administrative work because it is very time-consuming, and delegating this type of work to a virtual administrative assistant is something you might want to consider.


Virtual assistants can perform various admin tasks, and these tasks include:


2. Managing emails

Managing emails

Managing emails is one of the most time-consuming tasks a business owner faces.


Delegating this task to a virtual administrative assistant can help you save a lot of time.




A virtual administrative assistant can create a folder and segregate your emails to what’s important and what is not, creating templates for your go-to responses, and setting filters.


You may also provide instructions to your VA as to how you want your emails to be managed.


3. Making travel arrangements

Making travel arrangements

If you’re into travel, you know exactly how making travel arrangements can be a hassle task.


By hiring a virtual assistant, you’ll be free from booking your ticket yourself, finding accommodations, booking car rentals, and even dinner reservations.


4. Answering phone calls

Answering phone calls



Phone calls can interrupt you as a business owner who is busy with core activities.



Having a virtual assistant to answer simple questions from callers will help you a lot to stay focused.


5. Managing schedule

Managing schedule

Your virtual assistant can create a calendar to organize your appointments and schedule site meetings.



This will help you prioritize what’s the most important and keep track of your focus time.



Even if you could do all of this admin work yourself, why should you?



Rather than spending your time on non-core activities, why not delegate those tedious tasks to a virtual administrative assistant and save your time to focus mainly on scaling your business?


6.  Sales and advertising

Sales and advertising

Virtual assistants have specialized skills in sales and advertising, too, which is why we have included this in our virtual assistant services—VAs can help your business reach the next level!


7. Generating leads

Generating leads

A sales and advertising VA can find prospects through online research.


An experienced virtual assistant appointment setting can then contact the leads to pre-qualify them and set an appointment to speak with a salesperson (and this salesperson could be you!)


8. E-commerce sales

E-commerce sales

If you have an e-commerce store and are in need of an extra pair of hands, virtual assistants are here to the rescue! 



Virtual assistants have expertise in online selling. 



They run and design ad campaigns, write product descriptions and inventory postings for your e-commerce store.



9. Social media management

Social media management

Social media management is one of the most effective digital tools this virtual assistant services list includes for promoting your business. 



Social media is a great way to connect with your audience, find leads, and attract potential customers.


According to a survey, social media influences 71% of consumer buying decisions, so it is very important to have an expert handle your business’s social media handles. 


Building your presence on social media is not easy. It takes dedication, time, strategy, and consistency.


If you are a business owner who lacks the time and expertise to manage your social accounts, then it’s time for you to hire a social media virtual assistant


This VA can then do the following to help you grow your business through social media:


  • Come up with and develop a social media strategy that will help you attract clients/customers.


  • Help you build a strong social media presence


  • Curating social media content


  • Help you answer queries and reply to feedback


With a dedicated social media virtual assistant on your team, there is no need for you to worry about anything! 


Virtual Assistant Digital Marketing Services List


As most people today live online, investing in digital marketing can produce remarkable results when done right. 


Digital marketing is a great way to establish a solid online image.


By achieving the best result, you have to devote your time to this, but unfortunately, as a business owner, it may be hard for you to find time to handle all the work—and this is where a digital marketing virtual assistant comes in. 


A digital marketing virtual assistant can provide you the right assistance when it comes to making your marketing successful.


Here we list down how a digital marketing virtual assistant can help you achieve a great result. 

Virtual Assistant Digital Marketing Services List

1. Running email marketing campaigns

WHSR stated on their website that an email marketing campaign has the highest return on investment among digital marketing channels.



Having a digital marketing VA on your team can craft newsletters, develop striking templates, and schedule email communication at regular intervals on your behalf. 


2. Content marketing

A digital marketing virtual assistant has the expertise in taking your content marketing campaign to the next level.



This VA can produce compelling and engaging content for your website, maintain a monthly content calendar and promote marketing content to all your online handles. 


3. Podcast support

According to a study, 54% of consumers are more likely to consider a brand after hearing about it on a podcast.


This finding strengthens the idea that podcasting is one of the best marketing strategies. 


If a virtual assistant is on your team, he or she can communicate with your guests by scheduling appointments, organizing the logistics behind interviews, creating creative assets, sound editing, and uploading the show to different streaming platforms.


Virtual Assistant Blogging Services List

Blogging is an important aspect when it comes to marketing.


Regardless of what size your business is,  having a blog is a must-have. 


Your business can benefit from blogging because it mainly gives traffic to your website, can generate leads, helps you with your SEO, and helps to position your brand as a leader in your industry.


However, running a successful blog involves much more than just writing.


This requires strategies that make your audience engage with it, too. 


If running a successful blog is something that you’re aiming for but have little time to work on it, then hiring a virtual assistant for writers is the right thing to do. A blogging virtual assistant can carry these tasks for you:


1. Brainstorming blog post ideas

Brainstorming blog post ideas

Virtual assistants for writers can think of new ideas to write on especially if they have the experience in a specific niche.


These ideas will be put on a calendar sheet to help you both track which blog you’ll be working on and what’s next. 


2. Researching relevant topics

Researching relevant topics

A virtual assistant for blogging helps you find topics that interest your audience. This also includes conducting keyword research and what your competitors are doing. 


3.  Writing drafts

Writing drafts

If you run out of time writing a blog post, a virtual assistant can do the work for you.


You can provide specific instructions for the blog post to be followed by the VA, and once the VA is done writing, you can just freely make any necessary changes you want. 


4. Editing and publishing post

Editing and publishing post

On the other hand, you can also provide your blogging VA an article for editing and publishing.


By delegating these tasks to a virtual assistant for blogging, this ensures that your blog will have the correct structure, proper usage of keywords, and have a relevant meta description.


4. Analytics


Google Analytics is one of the best ways to know how your published blog post is doing, it gives you data on how your blog gathers clicks and impressions. A virtual assistant who has experience in using this tool uses the data to improve your strategy for blogging.


SEO Virtual Assistant Services List


With the constant increase of people searching on Google , it is no surprise that SEO found its way on our virtual assistant services list. Easier said than done, doing SEO can be a daunting task if you do not have the knowledge on how to utilize this digital marketing strategy. 


Hiring an SEO virtual assistant would be a great help if you want to make use of the power of Search Engine Optimization. An SEO VA can come up with a strategy that is tailored for your business. Here is a list of tasks that you can delegate to an SEO virtual assistant:

SEO Virtual Assistant Services List


 1. Keyword research


An SEO virtual assistant can do keyword research for you. Using the right keywords for your content will help you drive more traffic to your website and can help you reach the right audience.


2. Competitor research


By doing competitor research, your SEO virtual assistant can find out what strategies your competitors are doing and how they implement them to rank up in search engines.


In addition, your SEO VA can look after the stuff that is and isn’t working in your market and can come up with ideas that can improve your strategy. 


3.  Outreach

An  SEO virtual assistant can create a list of potential sites and write emails to ask for backlinks, guest postings, social media shares, and content syndication.

Doing link building is important because it is a major factor in how Google ranks web pages.


4. Content management support


An SEO virtual assistant can create meta tags, descriptions, images, and link tags for your content, analyze website performance and HTML coding for optimization.


Virtual Assistant Bookkeeping Services List


You might be surprised to find bookkeeping on this virtual assistant services list but when you’re too busy growing your business, doing the bookkeeping yourself might be too much to handle.


Get rid of that enormous burden off your shoulders by getting virtual bookkeeping services.


An accounting virtual assistant can do any task you can think of related to accounting and bookkeeping. 

Virtual Assistant Bookkeeping Services List

1. Filing financial records


A virtual bookkeeping assistant can manage all your financial records by creating general ledgers, preparing balance sheets, managing bank reconciliation processes, and organizing financial statements. 


2. Paying bills


Late payments might result in fees and can hurt your credit score.


Having a virtual bookkeeping assistant on your team helps you ensure that you pay your bills on time. In addition,  a bookkeeping VA can also help you manage payrolls and utility bills. 


3. Managing invoices


Payments from your clients/customers keep your business rolling.


A virtual assistant will prepare the invoices and send them to your clients. If a client/customer forgets to pay, your VA can remind them to settle the payment by calling or sending an email.


4. Taxes


For business owners, tax season is dreadful.


So, hiring a virtual assistant that is trained for tax preparation can take that pressure on you.


This VA will handle anything that is related to taxes and will keep you updated about what’s to pay next by organizing them quarterly or annually.


Web and app development


If you are a small business owner who wants to reach a wider audience, then there will be a need for your business to have a website and application.


However, building those things requires time, creative talent, and technical skills — and as we all know, time is something that small business owners don’t have.


The good thing is that you can hire a virtual assistant for your web and app development needs.


Having someone on your team who is an expert in web and app development is truly an advantage. Here’s a list of common tasks you can outsource to a website and app developer VA:

Web and app development

  • E-commerce website setup


  • Domain and hosting setup


  • Graphic design


  • Server setup and maintenance


  • Website and app maintenance and debugging


  • Landing page and opt-in page creation


  • Mobile app development


It would be best to have an expert on board especially if you want a customized website or app that meets your company’s needs. 


Video and photography


Video and photography management is last but not least important, as are the other services on our virtual assistant services list.


Images and videos are vital to attracting, converting, and retaining your target audience.


Search Engine Journal stated on its website that content containing visuals like images and videos performs better than content that doesn’t use visuals.


So, if you’re considering having videos and photos/images in any of your content but don’t have enough time to deal with it, then the goal is to have someone on your team who is an expert in creating and editing high-quality photos/images and videos. 


Not to mention how skillful virtual assistants are, you can also delegate your video and photography needs to them! Virtual assistants are familiar with tools and software that are used to make your visuals engaging. Below we list down the tasks you can delegate to them:

Video and photography

1. Photo and image editing


With the use of photo editing tools, your virtual assistant can perform edits on your photos and images such as retouching, blending, layering, resizing, text adding—and anything you want to include!


2. Editing raw video footage


Your virtual assistant can edit existing footage to enhance its quality and color to meet certain quality standards that your audience expects.


3. Adding titles, banners and graphics


To highlight key points in your videos, your VA can add banners, text overlays, and graphics. By doing so, you will be able to clarify your message to your audience.


4. Adding sound effects


Sound effects complete a video. Your virtual assistant can choose the right sound effects to make your video even more compelling.


5. Publishing 


After conducting a final review, your VA can then publish or upload your photo/images and video to whatever online platforms you want them to put in. Upon uploading, your virtual assistant can help you optimize them by adding titles, descriptions, and keywords.


How to make use of this virtual assistant services list

How to make use of this virtual assistant services list

The virtual assistant services list that we have provided only proves that hiring virtual assistants is a great investment for your business.


Unlike hiring in-house employees, hiring full-time virtual assistants can save your company up to 78% of operational costs— with the little amount you spent on hiring VAs, you can get the most out of them. 


Before you outsource here are some tips to make sure that you know what are the tasks you need to outsource— tasks that are tedious, repetitive, and out of your expertise.


Moreover, do extensive research first on the virtual assistant services offered and ensure that you land the right outsourcing partner to fulfill your business needs. 


Virtual assistant companies like Stealth Agents provide dedicated virtual assistants that will help you manage any of the tasks that we mentioned in our extensive virtual assistant services list.




There aren’t just enough hours in a day, so covering everything from our virtual assistant list of services all by yourself can be overwhelming.


Hiring virtual assistant outsourcing solutions helps your business increase productivity and profit.


With the multiple skills they have, they can help you save time as you focus on the work that really matters.


In addition, hiring a virtual assistant is affordable and will save you big in terms of opportunity cost.

No matter what tasks you need help with from our virtual assistant services list, having a virtual assistant in your corner is the best way to ensure success for your business.

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