Supportbee web-based email support tool review

SupportBee Web-Based Email Support Tool Review: Features And Pricing

SupportBee is more than just an email support tool. This software lets you organize your customer support emails in one place. This collaborative solution converts customer emails for supporting tickets, eliminating the need for referencing case IDs.

What is SupportBee?

SupportBee is designed for facilitating meaningful conversations. It offers all the right tools for crafting personalized responses.

It is very simple to use and quite similar to Gmail when it comes to the interface. There is almost no setup required to get started with this software. The best part is there is no per-agent fee, which makes it a wonderful collaborative team software.


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SupportBee lets you use the email-based workflow to reply to the customer requests like a normal email. You can integrate it with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

SupportBee customer portal

A customer portal software is a dedicated interface that allows your customers to manage as well as track the progress of your support requests. The portal’s interface can help your customers create new tickets and reply to the existing ones.

To access the customer portal, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the ticketing page as admin
  2. Go to the customer portal
  3. Enable customers to view the tickets
  4. Update logo, color scheme, and customer portal title
  5. Create customize messages for your customers
  6. Hit “update settings”

Your customers can access the customer portal via a URL without having to create a SupportBee account.

SupportBee login

To log into the SupportBee account, use the same email that you used to sign up for the software. Visit and log into your account.

A screenshot of supportbee login

SupportBee API

SupportBee’s API allows you to customize everything about the customer support workflow. To find the API token, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the SupportBee account
  2. Click on the profile pick
  3. Choose API token from the menu
  4. Copy this token and paste it into the migration wizard

SupportBee pricing

There are plans available for all types of businesses from startups to Enterprises. All these plans come with 14 days free trial. Let’s have a look at these plans:


The startup plan costs $13 per user per month. It includes a shared inbox, basic integrations, and a knowledge base.


This plan costs $17 per month per User.  It includes everything in the startup plan plus enterprise integrations and a customer portal for supercharging your workflow.

A screenshot of supportbee pricing plan

SupportBee products

SupportBee software includes three products. Here is everything you need to scale customer support:

Shared inbox

The shared inbox of this software works just like an email. You remain invisible to your customers but remain in touch. But it’s not all like a traditional email box. It allows your team to collaborate effortlessly by making it easier for the teams and agents to assign tickets.

All your team members will know what they are responsible for and this will solve all confusion.  All tickets are categorized as archived, unanswered, or answered. With simple features like these, you can customize your workflow.

Whenever an agent needs the help of another agent to resolve a ticket, they can comment for discussions. All comments are private. Your customers won’t know what you are talking about. The shared inbox is simple to set up, all it takes is 5 minutes to keep everything up and running.

A model of supportbee shared inbox

Knowledge base

Knowledge base employers your customers for helping them find answers to the FAQs. Today’s customers prefer finding answers to their questions without having to reach customer support. The knowledge base is here to offer this level of support.

It allows you to create, organize and publish information about your product or service. All your customers will have to do is access the information published on your website and find answers to their questions. They won’t have to send a query to the support team.

The knowledge base software makes it easier to create FAQs and other helpful resources for your audience. Using its text editor, you can format content and organize them into articles and store them into different categories. You may also add images for making the information more engaging.

With SupportBee, you can create multiple knowledge bases from a single account. Your emails, as well as knowledge base, will be under the same login. The snippet search bar lets you search the query and link to the articles in the knowledge when replying to customers. You can also integrate the knowledge base with the shared inbox.


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SupportBee lets you upload files to the knowledge base so that they can be accessed by the customer easily. These uploads include PDFs, ebooks, videos, and Images. You can also display the knowledge base on your website.

While Building the knowledge base, make sure you work with your support staff closely. A good base is the one that is continuously updated and Referenced. Your team will give you the right input to create a knowledge base.

A model of supportbee knowledge base

Customer portal

This portal lets you track tickets and send them through a web interface. Every business, big or small, needs a customer support process that is visible, smooth, and transparent. The customer portal software offers a dedicated space to customers for managing and tracking the progress of customer support requests. With this level of accountability, your customers will always know someone is working on their request.

This will be your customer’s very own portal. And of course, your team will be able to use it too. Do you know that your customers won’t even have to remember their login details? They can access the portal through a private link, which is shared in the support requests.

Customers will be able to access all the information they need about the queries and the answers provided. They won’t have to ask the same question again. Customers can create new tickets as the need arises.

There is no doubt having a customer portal is imperative to build trust, customer transparency and streamline the support activities. They don’t have to contact the support team again and again for simple questions. Through the portal, your customers can choose when and how to access the service offering.

A representation of support bee customer portal

Overview of SupportBee features

Have a look at some of the features of this web-based email support software to understand what you are getting:

  • Add agent signature
  • Ticket status and filters
  • Third-party integrations
  • Customer interaction history
  • HTML email rendering
  • Generate KPI reports
  • Private discussions via comments
  • Ticket creation
  • Helpdesk
  • Email snippets
  • Team collaboration
  • Email address support
  • Unlimited logins
  • Ticket labels
  • Data export

SupportBee integrations

These features are not the only thing admirable about SupportBee, it is also great when it comes to integrations. These are some of your favorite apps that can be integrated with SupportBee:

Slack, Basecamp, Asana, Insightly, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, Highrise, Capsule CRM, Pivotal Tracker, Github issues, Trello, JIRA, ClickUp 2, Teamwork projects, Webhooks, Flowdock, PushOver, HipChat

A screenshot of supportbee integrations

Why use SupportBee?

SupportBee is one of those support ticket systems designed for collaboration. Since customer support is a team sport, this software lets you be involved with everyone.  Here are some reasons why you should be using this tool:

Simple like email

The customer support software you are using determines how great your customer service will be. If the software is not designed for collaboration or conversations with not just your customers but within teams, then your team will always be frustrated. SupportBee, as the name implies, is here to offer the best Support. It is as simple as sending and receiving an email.

Takes 5 minutes to setup

Hands down, this email ticketing system is very easy to use. After assigning up, it just takes 5 minutes to set up everything. Plus, it has a short learning curve. Your team won’t have to spend days learning the ropes.

You will be able to set the software without the help of support. The workflow of this software is similar to email therefore, your team won’t be scratching their head when it comes to getting familiar with this software.

Work on the go

This software is designed for modern workplaces. Its Android and iOS versions are available. So along with using it over desktop, you can your team use it on the go as well via mobile. It is up to your team members how they want to participate in the support process – through PC or phone.

How great is that? All your team members will be available on the go so no customer request will be missed.

How to make an email SupportBee?

Sending and receiving the email via SupportBee is simple. It works just like regular email. Create an email, add a recipient, and hit send.


SupportBee is an easy-to-use web-based email support software that must be used by all small to medium businesses that want to create an organized workflow when it comes to managing customer emails and offering support.

If you are not sure that SupportBee is the right fit for you, then sign up for its free version to learn the ropes and use its features so that you can understand how it can be beneficial for your business. If you are tired of your existing helpdesk, maybe this software is the solution.

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