What Not to Do As a Virtual Assistant? (12 Things to Consider)

What Not to Do As a Virtual Assistant? (12 Things to Consider)

Being a virtual assistant comes with its own set of challenges and learning curves.


While it’s a role that offers flexibility and the chance to work with various clients, there are certain mistakes you’ll want to avoid to be successful. 


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In this article, we’ll look at things not to do as a virtual assistant; this will help you steer clear of common pitfalls.


Let’s begin!

What Not to Do As a Virtual Assistant?

Here are the 12 things not to do as a Virtual Assistant (VA):

1. Assuming You Need a Virtual Assistant Certification

Some people believe they must have a virtual assistant certification to start working. This isn’t always true.


While having a certification might show you’ve learned specific skills, it’s not a requirement for all virtual assistant jobs. 


Many clients care more about your ability to complete the virtual assistant task list effectively and your experience in similar roles. 


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Instead of worrying about getting certified, focus on building a strong portfolio and gaining experience through various projects.

2. Using “Virtual Assistant” as Your Title

Avoid putting “Virtual Assistant” as your job title without specifying your skills or area of expertise. 


This general title might make it hard for potential clients to understand what you can do for them. 


Instead, be clear about your services, such as “Social Media Expert” or “Virtual Assistant in Data Entry.” 


This way, clients can see your strengths and how you can help their business.

3. Believing VAs Only Do Admin Work

A common mistake is thinking virtual assistants (VAs) are only good for administrative virtual assistant tasks. 


This isn’t true. 


Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of tasks beyond just admin work. 




They can manage social media, create content, handle customer service, and even help with sales and marketing efforts. 


By only using them for administrative tasks, you’re not maximizing their skills and limiting your business’s growth.

4. Adopting the ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ Strategy

Some people suggest “Fake It Till You Make It” as a way to handle unfamiliar tasks or situations. 


However, this approach isn’t good for a VA; you should be honest about what you can and cannot do. 


Pretending to have skills or knowledge you don’t actually possess can lead to mistakes, and lower the quality of your work.


If you’re unsure about how to do something, it’s better to ask for help or take the time to learn how to do it properly.

5. Working for Free

Working for free is also a common mistake many new virtual assistants make. They might start by offering their services at no charge to build their portfolio or gain experience.


However, this can lead to valuing their time and skills less than they are worth. It’s important to set fair prices from the beginning.


Offering services for free can also set a precedent that might be hard to break, making it difficult to start charging those same clients in the future.

6. Thinking Being a VA Is Easy

On the flip side, people assume that working as a VA is an easy task, but this is a common misunderstanding. 


Being a VA involves a lot of hard work, dedication, and the ability to juggle multiple tasks efficiently. 


You will need to manage your time well and often learn new skills quickly to meet the diverse needs of your clients. 


It requires active communication, problem-solving, and constantly adapting to new challenges.

7. Believing You Can Make $5k in Your First 30 Days

It’s not realistic to expect to earn $5,000 in your first month as a virtual assistant. 


Starting a new business often means it takes time to find clients, build relationships, and establish a steady workflow. 


Expecting too much money too quickly can lead to disappointment and may make you feel discouraged. 


So, it’s better to set achievable goals and focus on growing your skills and client base gradually.

8. Getting Client Before Setting Up Systems

When you start working as a virtual assistant, you should have your workflow, communication methods, and billing systems ready. 


Without these systems, you may face challenges in managing your tasks effectively, which can disappoint your client and harm your reputation. 


You should ensure everything is organized and ready to go before you take on any projects. 


This way, you can deliver excellent service and keep everything running smoothly from the start.

9. Thinking You Can Start a VA Business With No Money

Assuming you can launch a virtual assistant business without any financial investment is a common misconception. 


Every business needs some initial funds to get off the ground, and a VA business is no exception. 


This could involve costs for necessary equipment, software subscriptions, and marketing efforts to attract clients. 


Starting without a budget may limit your ability to offer professional services and hinder your growth.

10. You Can Start Without Any Experience

One common mistake to avoid as a virtual assistant is starting with the assumption that no experience is necessary. 


While enthusiasm is great, every job requires some level of skill and understanding. 


For those new to being a VA, it’s important to have basic knowledge in areas such as email management, scheduling, and customer service. 


Jumping in without any experience can lead to mistakes and dissatisfaction from clients. So, you should take some time to learn the essential skills.

11. Charging Without Understanding Your Worth

It involves asking for a payment higher than the industry standard or your level of experience justifies. So, you should set prices that fairly reflect the value of the services provided. 


Charging too much without considering the quality of your work or your experience can lead customers to look elsewhere for assistance. 


You should always research what others in the field are charging and assess your skills honestly before setting your rates.

12. Treating Your Clients as Your Bosses

Lastly, treating your clients as if they are your bosses is a mistake to avoid as a virtual assistant. 


When you view each client as your boss, it can lead to confusion and make managing your time and priorities difficult. 


Instead, see your role as a partnership where both you and your clients work together towards common goals. 


This approach encourages open communication, clear expectations, and mutual respect, making the working relationship more effective for both parties. 

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