Tips to increase online sales

9 Useful Tips To Increase Online Sales For Your E-Commerce

Increasing online sales is a constant marketing objective and you must know the places to sell your products… it seems that just about everyone is trying to sell something online today, and there is a constant push to increase traffic and conversions.  But the competition can get tough. When shoppers have thousands and thousands of products just a few clicks away, how can you differentiate your brand and stand out? If you want to make an impression on shoppers, take a look at these tips to increase online sales for your e-commerce store.

8 tips to increase your online sales

Making sure your online sales strategy is on point is crucial in achieving your business goals. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel trying to increase your online sales – because there are already some tested and proven methods that will help you reach your sales goals. We took our time and selected 8 most important tips that should be implemented as soon as possible.

Automate upselling and make sure customers come back

Sometimes your customers don’t know about the availability of a premium product, or they’ll merely want additional proof to grasp how an upgrade (or package) is suitable for their needs.



One of the most helpful tools to increase online sales is automated marketing. There are several choices on the market, for instance, Active Campaign permits you to upsell your merchandise and nurture your shoppers with the sequence you set. The machine-driven actions are based on the actions and behavior of your clients that make it look natural and not disturbing. At a similar time, it reminds individuals regarding your business regularly that a good thing in a world choked with distractions.

An example of an automatic action is you’ve got an e-commerce website selling commodities for an event. Once a client buys invitations for a party, he will be placed on a list to get emails with other related products like birthday cakes, candles, and similar things. Such recommendations usually facilitate shoppers to come up with a lot of concepts for their parties, meanwhile bringing you a lot of revenue. A win-win scenario is clear here.

Additionally, automatically reminding folks about your store and helps you get a lot of loyal customers that are even higher than aiming at new leads. Automatic reminders are one of the best marketing tools today.

Offer discounts on anniversaries

We cannot say enough regarding client loyalty. Keeping your loyal customers happy and interested is among the simplest methods to increase online sales. Moreover, one of the simplest ways of keeping and maintaining the affiliation is to concentrate on anniversaries and different important personal dates in order to send discount coupons. There don’t seem to be several things that folks appreciate more than customized care.

For example, you can set up your promotional program to automatically send a friendly message with a discount offer for each customer’s birthday. If you suggest a decent deal, not solely will they obtain one thing from you, but also will keep in mind your care.

One more idea to increase online sales is to send special offers at specific intervals. For instance, someone buys a filter from you. Knowing how long it works, you can send an email reminder that overusing filters will be harmful to health and suggest shopping for a brand new one with a customized purchase day discount.

Social media engagement increase online sales more than your imagination

Social media engagement is important nowadays. Having a business, you can’t sit in the corner quietly. Brand awareness has a direct relation to online sales. The more people talk about your brand, the more sale you get. So, one more suggestion on how to increase online sales on your e-commerce is to be active on social media. 

Most brands understand the worth of being on social media but many others underestimate it. If you are shouting out into the abyss and seldom find time to truly interact with your potential followers, you are missing opportunities to enhance social media engagement and indirectly losing customers. Contrarily, when you interact regularly, you are building the connections that can drive conversions and increase online sales on your e-commerce store.

There are many ways of accelerating social engagement in social media; though it’s not the sole place to do it. A website itself is an excellent way by generating SEO traffic and turning potential followers into actual leads by providing them with helpful information.

Valuable products

Possibly, you are aware of the economics expert Pareto principle which states that only 20% of efforts bring 80% of results. Similarly, it is concerned about sales. Most likely, you will get 80 % of revenue by just selling 20% of the best products. It doesn’t mean you should stop selling this 80%. It’s just related to priority during the order process.

Just advertise and concentrate on the main products. On top of that, you can also recommend additional products which might also bring extensive results. When you start focusing on a few, highly convertible products, this is the time when your online sales start increasing.

Build trust and brand awareness

One of the ways to increase online sales on your e-commerce store is to make people trust you more at each step of a shopping process. It means you’ll be able to improve conversions by checking every step and building more trust.

When customers come to your e-commerce store, they expect to visualize real and truthful information regarding the merchandise. So, the acceptance rate of the product might be increased if you add some actual social proofs. For instance, many online stores offer discounts if customers agree to make an unpacking video.

Online reviews are also important to increase online sales.  Having several points of view is better, even it’s a bad one along with better reviews.

Quality images and video demonstrations

One of the simplest ways to increase online sales in the modern era is by adding a good quality image and video to the product page. No doubt descriptions help in SEO but nowadays, people prefer to choose websites which have a short video or product images rather than boring long descriptions.

According to Kleiner Perkins, about 74% of online traffic relates to video. People don’t watch videos only for fun but for practical reasons as well. For example, suppose that you sell mattresses. Isn’t it easier to show a cheerful and well-rested person awakening from your mattress instead of writing a very long and boring description? Use these video tactics smartly; it’ll definitely help you to increase online sales.

This advice is additionally connected to the concept of marketing emotions rather than merely a marketing product. Show them what they’re about to feel upon getting your product rather than pushing endless stories concerning its advantages.


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Simplify your checkout

According to Barilliance, about 78% of shoppers abandon the cart and leave the website without purchasing.

This is because of the following reasons:

  • Unexpected shipping prices
  • Inducing to make an account
  • Security concerns
  • The lengthy and confusing checkout process

This list gives you guidance to reduce the abandonment rate and increase online sales easily. Firstly, make the shipping costs transparent or ship for free. Free shipping is one of the best ways to increase sales online.

Also, make the checkout process as simple as possible. Registering an account should be the choice of the customers, availability of “checkout as a guest” is a better option. 

After all, your main focus is on convincing the visitors to purchase, right? So add the progress indicator which let them know, they are in process before completing the order.

Make it easy for your customers

As you recognize, users are accustomed to obtaining what they need with simply a few clicks. If your purchasing method is difficult in any way or has any obstacles, consumers are more likely to abandon the sale and visit the competitors. To avoid this trajectory of abandonment, follow the given tips:

Easiest purchasing method

Generally, the fewer clicks are better, but invariably providing the user with the required information at each step. Amazon is the best example in the industry, which has developed a system by which buyers can purchase with only one click.

Multiple payment methods

Visualize the payment method of a customer, everyone has different preferences in this regard, so you should add all the basic methods such Payoneer, PayPal, credit cards, or even cash on delivery.

Evade extra charges

Nothing irritates customers more than going to pay for an item online and realizing that the cost is more than their consideration. All of the additional must be clearly mentioned.

Moderate shipping charges

If it is possible, reduce the shipping charges or deliver for free. Product return policy: In this area, ASOS is a leader in the industry which provides the possibility of making free returns within 28 days after getting the product. Regardless of the conditions, it is always necessary to make them clear and to stay to the guarantees created.

Fast delivery

Clearly mention when the customers will get their order at their home and make the delivery as quick as possible.

Customer testimonials

90% of survey respondents purchasing online and reading reviews say that positive reviews affect their decision to purchase the products. One of the best ways to increase online sales is to add buyer testimonials to your product page. Just prevent having a bad review from an angry customer.


The success of any business depends on sales. Increase your online sales, and you’ll additionally boost your bottom-line results. Fortunately, you don’t have to invest much to gain traffic on your eCommerce store. You can run a thriving online business by implementing these tips that will make a major distinction in your results


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