15 strategies to increase sales on amazon

15 Strategies to Increase Amazon Sales

As you can imagine, selling on the world’s largest online retailer and web service provider needs to have a good strategy so that people will choose you over other sellers.


Aside from struggling to find strategies to increase sales on Amazon,


Finding how to improve Amazon sales and best suppliers for Amazon FBA is also a challenge.


In addition, if you are also one of the sellers who seek to find answers to boost Amazon sales, here are some strategies to increase sales on Amazon.


Then these are the secrets of successful sellers on Amazon despite a competitive market. 


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How to increase Amazon sales?

Every strategy below should be tested how to increase sales on Amazon. This might be inconvenient and expensive because some of it requires payment. 


1. Utilize the NARF Program

The North American Remote Fulfillment (NARF) program is designed to help sellers expand their reach to customers in Canada and Mexico without the hassle of cross-border shipping.


To join, you must first be confirmed as an eligible seller by Amazon.


This program simplifies and speeds up the process of fulfilling orders in northern countries, making it a valuable tool for boosting your Amazon sales.


2. Expand PPC Advertising to New Markets

Turning on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising in Canada and Mexico can significantly enhance your Amazon sales.


With the NARF program, your products are accessible in these markets, allowing targeted ads to attract more customers.


PPC advertising in these regions is less competitive and cheaper than in the U.S., making it a cost-effective way to drive traffic and sales.




3. Leverage Amazon Coupon Codes

Amazon coupon codes are an underutilized strategy that can attract more customers and increase sales Amazon listing.


Highlighting these codes on your product pages can increase sales on Amazon click-through rates and sales.


Shoppers are drawn to discounts, making this a simple yet effective way to stand out from the competition.

4. Utilize Amazon Posts

Amazon Posts offers free advertising opportunities for registered brands.


By adding engaging product posts in the Posts tab, you increase sales on Amazon by featuring your products on platforms like Instagram.


This exposure can drive significant traffic and sales, especially since it’s free and reaches a large audience.

5. Implement the Helium 10 Extension

The Helium 10 extension can help identify new, low-competition products for your PPC campaigns.


By focusing on recently launched items with few reviews, you can position your well-reviewed products as more attractive alternatives.


This strategy leverages the novelty of new listings while capitalizing on your established reputation.

6. Engage with Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for building an audience and increasing sales.


Consistently posting updates and engaging content can convert followers into customers.


Consider hiring Amazon’s virtual assistants to manage your social media presence, ensuring regular updates and professional interactions with your audience.

7. Enhance Product Images

High-quality product images are crucial for online sales.


They create a strong first impression and build trust.


Invest in professional photography and consider adding videos to showcase your products.


Detailed, zoomable images help customers make informed purchasing decisions, leading to increased sales.


8. Optimize Keywords

Using the right keywords can significantly improve your product’s visibility on Amazon.


Focus on high-traffic, specific keywords that match customer search behavior.


For example, instead of just “cup for toddlers,” use “cup for toddlers with lid” or “cup for toddlers 1-3.”


This targeted approach makes it easier for customers to find your products.

9. Maintain Positive Reviews and Responsiveness

Positive reviews and excellent customer service are essential for boosting sales.


Ensure your products meet high standards and respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns.


Engaging with customers and addressing issues builds trust and encourages repeat business.


10. Leverage Pinterest

Hire a Pinterest virtual assistant to handle and drive significant traffic to your Amazon listings.


Create visually appealing Pins with clear product images and descriptions, including relevant keywords.


Add direct links to your Amazon listings to facilitate easy purchasing.


Organize your products into different boards to make them easier to browse and share.

11. Register Your Brand on Amazon

Brand registration on Amazon offers protection against counterfeit products and access to advanced marketing tools like Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display ads.


These tools can enhance your marketing efforts and drive more sales, making brand registration a worthwhile investment.

12. Use PickFu for Market Research

PickFu allows you to test different versions of your product listings by getting feedback from real people.


This helps you create more effective listings that stand out.


You can also use it to gather insights on new product ideas and packaging, ensuring your offerings are appealing to customers.



13. Hire Amazon Virtual Assistants

 Amazon’s virtual assistant can handle time-consuming tasks such as inventory management, order processing, and customer inquiries.


This allows you to focus on growing your business.



Their expertise can help optimize your listings and marketing strategies, leading to increased sales on Amazon.


14. Craft Eye-Catching Product Listings

An attractive and clear product listing can grab customers’ attention and drive sales.


Highlight key features and benefits to make your product stand out.


A well-crafted listing can differentiate your product from competitors and persuade customers to choose your offering.


15. Engage in Affiliate Marketing

Partnering with influencers through an affiliate program can expand your reach and drive sales.


Influencers can introduce your products to new audiences, and you only pay them when they generate sales.


Choose influencers who align with your brand and provide them with all the information they need to promote your products effectively.



Most sellers who manage their businesses know exactly how to use the go-to-market strategy framework to succeed in launching a product.


A seller with a highly competitive market needs innovative ideas that are useful in business.


Thus, giving all these ideas can change your problems in selling Amazon. You should also know that Amazon’s virtual assistant will help your business and end your struggles. 

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