ClickCease What are the virtual assistant contract agreement? - Stealth Agents

What are the virtual assistant contract agreement?

When engaging the services of a virtual assistant, it is crucial to have a comprehensive contract in place. This agreement is a legal document outlining the responsibilities, scope of work, and terms of engagement between the client and the virtual assistant. Here, we will explore typical terms and conditions in a virtual assistant contract.


List of typical virtual assistant contract agreement #

Every remote work contract agreement is important to both employees and clients.


Scope of work #

This is the section of the contract where the tasks and expected deliverables are spelled out. It is essential to ensure that this section is explicit and well-defined to prevent misunderstandings and ensure the virtual assistant knows exactly what is expected of them. Working remotely has its chain of command who will be in charge of training and handling you from training, manages the team to be organized, and monitors members.


 Payment terms #

This section outlines how much the virtual assistant will be paid, when, and how. It’s important to clearly define whether the assistant will be paid hourly, per project, or on a retainer basis. Moreover, it’s up to the client if they choose semi-monthly or biweekly payrolls


Confidentiality agreement #

To protect sensitive business information, it’s customary to include a confidentiality clause in the contract. This clause prevents the virtual assistant from disclosing any private information about the business or client to third parties.


Termination clause #

This section stipulates the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract. It usually includes notice periods and any circumstances that would warrant immediate termination.


Indemnity clause #

The purpose of this section in the virtual assistant contract is to ensure that both parties are protected from any potential legal action that may arise as a result of the actions taken by the other party. The indemnity clause can protect the virtual assistant from lawsuits if the client experiences financial loss due to a mistake made by the virtual assistant.


Dispute resolution #

The procedure for resolving disagreements between the client and virtual assistant is laid forth in this section. As a regular part, mediation or arbitration is often needed before going to court. You should have a good idea of what a virtual assistant contract usually includes after reading this. However, you would need to be a lawyer to make one that fits your company’s needs. This is a time when secret spies come in handy.




Stealth Agents is a reputable virtual assistant company that offers well-structured contracts that provide clarity and mutual protection for both parties. We take the time to understand your business needs, allowing us to tailor contracts that align with your unique requirements. We invite you to book a discovery call with Stealth Agents to learn more about how we can assist you. Not only do we provide skilled and reliable virtual assistants, we also ensure that all the legalities are taken care of, leaving you with more time to focus on growing your business. Our expert team is ready to help you navigate the process and answer any questions you may have.


With Stealth Agents, you’re not just getting a virtual assistant; you’re getting a partner committed to the success of your business. Book your discovery call today and take the first step towards seamless, worry-free virtual assistant services.

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