WebsiteAlive live chat solution review

WebsiteAlive Live Chat Solution Review: Features And Pricing

WebsiteAlive is a live chat software that aims to connect businesses to their consumers proactively and in the fastest possible ways.

Integrating live chat software in the website is getting common for enhanced customer support services. Its utility is not limited to helpdesk or customer service, but it greatly helps managers execute marketing campaigns to get leads fast and increase sales through these live chat software. It’s a great tool that empowers your website with live services and provides other supporting stats for controlling and managing purposes.

What is WebsiteAlive

WebsiteAlive provides online communication, customization, and creating innovation for consumers and businesses.



Over 10 thousand people belonging to various businesses rely on this software, including Halloween Express, Denman International, Ballena, Atlanta Falcons, Loews Hotels & Resorts, and Advantage Design Group. WebsiteAlive partners with SiteLock and Ballena Technologies Inc for providing its clientele with the best experience.

WebsiteAlive pricing

WebsiteAlive software offers three plans, and you can choose any of them depending on your company’s needs. The three plans are AliveChat, AliveChat plus, and Enterprise.

A screenshot of websitealive pricing

AliveChat costs $30 per month for offering license for one operator, infinite live chats, customization and re-branding and monitoring of visitors, auto-triggered pop-ups, survey, and proactive reporting. The additional license can be purchased at $20 per month. AliveChat plus plan also includes unlimited chats and one operator license for $50. An additional license is charged at $40 per month. The feature included in this plan is; screen sharing, complete reporting suite, Admin rights, and visitor traffic report.

Enterprise plans are for addressing special requirements and needs for live chat solutions. This plan is customized and exclusively planned for your company to offer one on one consultation, integrations, solutions, and marketing campaigns along with specialized support. The pricing quote depends on the number of features included in your package.

The payment is to be made every month for the selected plans, and you have the option of cancellation any time you want. In addition, the software offers a 10% discount on making a yearly payment. Furthermore, WebsiteAlive extends supports for its clients through calls, chat, and email.

It is recommended to go through the legalities involved for license and service agreements to avoid any inconvenience during or after purchasing any plan offered by WebsiteAlive.

WebsiteAlive login

WebsiteAlive a free trial version for 30 days, in case you don’t account for this software.

For login as Administrator or operator: visit the WebsiteAlive page and find the SIGN-UP/LOGIN option at the top right corner. Clicking on that button will take you to a window where you need to select client login. You need to fill out this form and choose Admin or operator to usefully logging in.

Other login options available for this software are; App and extensions, Mobile apps, setting up operators/departments. Additionally, you may find login details for this software here

A screenshot of websitealive login page

AliveChat features

WebsiteAlive offers simple yet powerful AliveChat features for visitors, agents, and management;

For visitors

Customization chat windows

The software has various options for chat window customization. Multiple windows launch options include Chat buttons, embedded icons, links to chat, and proactive pop-ups for emails and tweets.

A screenshot of websitealive chat window

Other options include marketing for acquiring information before the chat, integrating variable and contextual data in the conversation.

Triggers and messages

Visitors can create rule-based pop-ups that appear automatically and triggers that involve URL match, time delay, page visited, etc.

 triggers and automated messages

For agent

User-friendly interface

WebsiteAlive has made an interface that assists your agent in extending his services without the need for any prior training for the use of the software. Its easy-to-use, cloud-based interface saves your cost and time spent on agent training. In addition, the software notifies an agent through visual notifications and sound alerts.


There are tools for an agent to offer services while being productive. An agent can use programmable phrases, send text, images, and links for expediting response through least typing. Other tools include fast search for finding solutions to customer queries.

 agent's knowledge base feature

Email management

The messages by the visitors on your website are saved in the inbox when there is no agent available to entertain them. Agents can reach visitors via those emails, which helps its customer retention by making them feel attended. 

 email management feature

For management

The software provides a report about call center insight for management through chat transcripts so a manager can look at each chat happened, performance statics, and summary, having details of login and hours spent by agents on live chat.


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WebsiteAlive chatbots are one of its powerful tools for instantly and automatically interacting with a website visitor. Through Chatbots, it is made possible to provide supports to a company’s client 24/7. In addition, Chatbots assists customers when the agent is not available to serve them. Some features offered via these chatbots are mentioned below.


They say that universe is not made up of atoms but of stories. Behind every organization, small or big, there is a story. Unlike traditional boarding services provided through robots, WebsiteAlive Chatbots are lively and interactive. So, let a client know your story through interactive memes, videos, and social links through Story bots

Why chatbots?

As per some stats, 69 out of 100 People prefer Chatbots for connecting to the brand. The reasons for this preference are quick response, continence, ease of submitting a complaint and obtain a solution, getting detailed answers to complex questions, and experiencing good customer service.

Another reason for preferring chatbots over an agent may be an element of judgment, of which many customers are concerned. Chatbots provide unbiased and direct replies without judging the level of intelligence of your website visitor.

For any business owner, these chatbots benefit by reducing chat, calls, agent staffing and licenses, automatic lead generation, arrange meetings and demos, integrating with apps, providing analytics, etc. which saves a lot of costs and resources, i.e., time and human.

How you can view offline messages on a WebsiteAlive

Having access to offline messages at any website is very useful to any product or service provider today. Modern customers do not prefer waiting to have the solutions to his query. WebsiteAlive addresses this concern by offering access to offline messages with simple steps to be made on this software.

Follow these steps to view offline messages on this software; first, login as an administrator, find the MESSAGES option at the left menu, choose data range, filter, and how you want it to be sorted and displayed on a web page or CSV excel file. Lastly, hit the GENERATE REPORT option.

WebsiteAlive AliveTracker

The software features AliveTracker, through which an operator is enabled to view real-time visitors on the website, gather data and run reports, manually invite and engage the visitor on the website, tag web pages and set a timeout duration for a visitor.

Log in as Administrator for making changes in your AliveTracker settings. You need to insert code in your website to see real-time visitors there. From the left menu of WebsiteAlive, click on AliveTracker and then Settings. From there, you will be provided with options, i.e., Enable Real-time monitor, Records visitor traffic, allow proactive invites, allow page tagging, and idle visitor timeout. Please select an option and save them. To view these settings, choose AliveTracker from the left menu again and click the Launch AliveTracker Monitor option.

Security at WebsiteAlive

With e-commerce and the online execution of the business, the operation comes the threat of security issues. WebsiteAlive handles privacy concerns through data center security, Server and network security, and software security.

Services offered by WebsiteAlive are hosted and located within AWS, i.e., Amazon Web Services who is a leader for providing cloud computing and is certified on international standards. All networking devices are monitored to control at internal and external boundaries of/within the network.

Security for operating system softwares is installed weekly; in case of urgency, this update is expedited to be done in one working day. Data backups are practiced regularly. Server resources are supervised through two different monitoring systems. Remote server access is also logged frequently. WebsiteAlive is on alert throughout the week to receive and handle any urgent issue through staff notification.

For ensuring software security, WebsiteAlive allows access to sensitive information through HTTPS protocols only. Network and application-level scans are handled by external commercial services daily. The software has installed Enterprise-level antivirus on its servers with central management. Storing of real-time errors that are accruing on software is reviewed at the central logging system. WebsiteAlive performs penetrations tests as per need or every year as one of its security measures.

User experience for WebsiteAlive Live Chat

User experience and reviews are one of the most reliable tools to know the performance of any product or service. However, looking for any flaws in this software, we found some people reporting that the software is costly and offers only a few integrations.


To conclude, we found WebsiteAlive, an interactive solution to address your live chat needs. Simple and user-friendly yet powerful tools are Chatango for each user, i.e., customer, agent, and management.

AliveTracker and Chatbots as additional features with other traditional ones make this software even more appealing. We were amazed at how those chatbots are made to engage visitors on the website, even before knowing their query.



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