25 Business Tax Incentives Must-Knows

25 Business Tax Incentives Must-Knows

25 Business Tax Incentives Must-Knows






Welcome to our guide on 25 business tax incentives that you must know about! As a business owner, navigating the world of taxes can be overwhelming and confusing. But fear not, because we’re here to help break down some key information for you in a conversational, positive, and persuasive tone.




  1. R&D Tax Credits:

    Incentives for companies conducting research and development, often offering significant tax credits for R&D expenditures.


  2. Small Business Tax Credits:

    Specific tax benefits designed to support small businesses and startups, usually in the form of credits or deductions.


  3. Investment Tax Credits:

    Credits available for businesses that invest in certain types of equipment or property.


  4. Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC):

    A federal tax credit given to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.


  5. Energy Efficiency Incentives:

    Tax credits or deductions for businesses that invest in energy-efficient technology or renewable energy sources.


  6. Export Incentives:

    Tax benefits for companies that export goods, aimed at encouraging exports and international trade.


  7. Capital Allowances:

    Deductions businesses can claim for certain types of capital expenditure, like equipment, machinery, or business vehicles.


  8. Job Creation Tax Credits:

    Incentives for businesses that create new jobs, often used by governments to encourage employment growth.


  9. Tax Increment Financing (TIF):

    A public financing method used for subsidizing infrastructure and community-improvement projects.


  10. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC):

    A credit for developers and investors in affordable housing projects.


  11. New Markets Tax Credit:

    Designed to incentivize investment in low-income communities.


  12. Disabled Access Credit:

    For businesses that incur expenses to provide access to people with disabilities.


  13. Payroll Tax Credits:

    Various credits related to employing staff, like those for providing certain benefits.


  14. Angel Investor Tax Credits:

    Credits for individuals who invest in startups and early-stage companies.


  15. Research Expenses Deduction:

    Deduction for expenses related to research and experimentation.


  16. Film and Entertainment Tax Credits:

    For companies involved in the film, television, and entertainment industries.


  17. Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit:

    Credits for the rehabilitation of historic buildings.


  18. Foreign Tax Credit:

    For businesses that pay taxes in multiple countries, to avoid double taxation.


  19. Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD):

    A deduction for companies that manufacture, produce, grow, or extract products in the country.


  20. Renewable Energy Credits:

    Incentives for producing renewable energy, like solar or wind power.


  21. Green Building Incentives:

    For constructing or retrofitting buildings with environmentally friendly technologies and materials.


  22. Employee Retention Credit:

    A credit for businesses that keep employees on payroll during challenging economic times.


  23. State-specific Incentives:

    Many states offer their own unique set of tax incentives for businesses operating within their borders.


  24. Tax-Exempt Financing:

    Certain types of financing arrangements may be tax-exempt for qualifying projects, like municipal bonds.


  25. Patent Box Regimes:

    Preferential tax treatment for income derived from patents and other intellectual property, prevalent in some countries.





After learning about these 25 business tax incentives, you may be feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. But don’t worry, with some careful planning and the right guidance, you can take advantage of these incentives to save your business money.


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