30 Startup Life Jokes

30 Startup Life Jokes

30 Startup Life Jokes



Welcome to our collection of 30 hilarious startup life jokes!



As entrepreneurs, we know that the startup life can be tough but it’s important to take a break and have a good laugh. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these relatable jokes that will surely make you chuckle.




  1. “Why did the entrepreneur go to therapy? Because they had a startup problem.”

    "Why did the entrepreneur go to therapy? Because they had a startup problem."

  2. “How many startup founders does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but they’ll want equity in the company.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but they'll want equity in the company."

  3. “Why was the investor always stressed out? They had too much stock on their mind.”

    "Why was the investor always stressed out? They had too much stock on their mind."

  4. “What’s the difference between a startup founder and a baby? One cries all the time and the other is just starting to walk.”

    "What's the difference between a startup founder and a baby? One cries all the time and the other is just starting to walk."

  5. “Why was the entrepreneur always on their phone? They were trying to make connections.”

    "Why was the entrepreneur always on their phone? They were trying to make connections."

  6. “What did the venture capitalist say when they heard about a new startup? Show me the money!”

    "What did the venture capitalist say when they heard about a new startup? Show me the money!"

  7. “Why did the CEO go to therapy? They had a case of imposter syndrome.”

    "Why did the CEO go to therapy? They had a case of imposter syndrome."

  8. “How many startup founders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they’ll just pivot the darkness into an opportunity.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they'll just pivot the darkness into an opportunity."

  9. “Why did the angel investor invest in a new coffee shop? Because they needed something to keep them awake during all those pitch meetings.”

    "Why did the angel investor invest in a new coffee shop? Because they needed something to keep them awake during all those pitch meetings."

  10. “Why was the startup founder always running late? They were on founder time.”

    "Why was the startup founder always running late? They were on founder time."

  11. “What’s the best way to make a small fortune in startups? Start with a large fortune.”

    "What's the best way to make a small fortune in startups? Start with a large fortune."

  12. “Why did the entrepreneur decide to start their own company? Well, they couldn’t find anyone else who would hire them.”

    "Why did the entrepreneur decide to start their own company? Well, they couldn't find anyone else who would hire them."

  13. “Why was the startup office so messy? Because they believed in organized chaos.”

    "Why was the startup office so messy? Because they believed in organized chaos."

  14. “How many startup founders does it take to make a decision? Just one, but they’ll spend hours weighing all the options.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to make a decision? Just one, but they'll spend hours weighing all the options."

  15. “Why did the venture capitalist invest in a pet food delivery service? They wanted a purr-fect investment opportunity.”

    "Why did the venture capitalist invest in a pet food delivery service? They wanted a purr-fect investment opportunity."

  16. “What’s the difference between a startup and a lemonade stand? One has potential to make millions, the other just makes a few bucks.”

    "What's the difference between a startup and a lemonade stand? One has potential to make millions, the other just makes a few bucks."

  17. “Why did the entrepreneur decide to sell their company? They finally reached their exit strategy: retirement on a private island.”

    "Why did the entrepreneur decide to sell their company? They finally reached their exit strategy: retirement on a private island."

  18. “How many startup founders does it take to delegate tasks? None, they’ll want to do everything themselves.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to delegate tasks? None, they'll want to do everything themselves."\

  19. “Why did the angel investor invest in a dating app? They were looking for love in all the right places.”

    "Why did the angel investor invest in a dating app? They were looking for love in all the right places."

  20. “What’s the first rule of a startup pitch? Never talk about your competition.”

    "What's the first rule of a startup pitch? Never talk about your competition."

  21. “Why did the CEO always work from home? They wanted to be closer to their bed, just in case they had any nap-worthy brainstorms.”

    "Why did the CEO always work from home? They wanted to be closer to their bed, just in case they had any nap-worthy brainstorms."

  22. “How many startup founders does it take to fix a bug? None, they’ll just roll out the next update and hope for the best.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to fix a bug? None, they'll just roll out the next update and hope for the best."

  23. “Why did the entrepreneur decide to start their own business? They were tired of making someone else’s dreams come true.”

    "Why did the entrepreneur decide to start their own business? They were tired of making someone else's dreams come true."

  24. “Why was the startup team always stressed out? They had too many irons in the fire.”

    "Why was the startup team always stressed out? They had too many irons in the fire."

  25. “How many startup founders does it take to come up with a company name? Just one, but they’ll spend weeks brainstorming and checking domain availability.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to come up with a company name? Just one, but they'll spend weeks brainstorming and checking domain availability."

  26. “Why did the venture capitalist invest in a virtual reality startup? They wanted to be on the cutting edge of technology… and maybe get a free VR headset.”

    "Why did the venture capitalist invest in a virtual reality startup? They wanted to be on the cutting edge of technology... and maybe get a free VR headset."

  27. “What’s the difference between a startup founder and a magician? One makes things disappear, the other makes them reappear with a higher valuation.”

    "What's the difference between a startup founder and a magician? One makes things disappear, the other makes them reappear with a higher valuation."

  28. “Why did the CEO always have a diet coke in hand? Caffeine was their secret weapon for all those late nights working on investor pitches.”

    "Why did the CEO always have a diet coke in hand? Caffeine was their secret weapon for all those late nights working on investor pitches."

  29. “How many startup founders does it take to hire an employee? None, they’ll just bring on another co-founder.”

    "How many startup founders does it take to hire an employee? None, they'll just bring on another co-founder."

  30. “Why did the entrepreneur start a food delivery service? They wanted to bring their favorite local restaurants right to their office… and avoid having to do dishes at home.”

    "Why did the entrepreneur start a food delivery service? They wanted to bring their favorite local restaurants right to their office... and avoid having to do dishes at home."







Now that you’ve read through 30 startup life jokes, we hope you’re feeling a little lighter and more relaxed. Starting and running a business can be tough, so it’s important to take breaks and have a laugh every now and then.

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