Tasks to outsource to a remote personal assistant

5 Tasks To Easily Pass Off To A Remote Personal Assistant

You might have a long task list as a business owner and you are most likely to have hired help to assist you in your business.


However, have you also thought of getting help for your personal life tasks as well? If yes, you might want to consider hiring a virtual assistant from Stealth Agents as your remote personal assistant.


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Not only virtual assistants can help you with business-related tasks, but they too can lend a hand to take care of your tasks to help you boost your productivity and improve your quality of life.


In this article, we are going to provide a list of general tasks a remote personal assistant can help you with. 

Tasks a remote personal assistant can help you with

Below are the typical tasks a remote personal assistant can help you with to save you time and stress.

Travel arrangements

Planning a personal trip can consume a lot of time. Finding the best deal for flights, car rental, and hotel booking that suits your budget can be overwhelming. Instead of doing it all alone, why not assign it to your remote personal assistant? Your remote personal assistant can do the research, provide you with options, and book the trip that works best for you.

Personal shopping

A remote personal assistant can assist you with your shopping. Whether it’s hard-to-find products, your assistant can do the work for you! Your remote personal assistant can do the research for product features and reviews, search online to find the best prices, and shop for anything orderable items online that you want.

Personal appointments

Hiring a remote personal assistant to schedule your appointments, add them to your calendar, and shuffle them around for you when your schedule changes can help you save a lot of time. Here are some of the many ways a remote personal assistant can help you when it comes to your appointments:

  • Make dinner reservations
  • Scheduling family/friends events
  • Doctor visits
  • Gym classes
  • Sports and entertainment

Manage personal finances

Just like your business finances, your finances are important too. Your remote personal assistant can make sure your transactions going in and out of your accounts are correct and properly in order. Moreover, this virtual assistant also makes sure that your bills get paid on time. Here are some of the tasks a remote personal assistant can do:

  • Track account balances
  • Create reports for you on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis
  • Organize tax documents
  • Monitor your credit
  • Bookkeeping

Event planning

Event coordination requires a lot of time and can be difficult to deal with especially if it’s a big one!. However, having a remote personal assistant to handle it, can save you from stress and time. Your remote personal assistant can:


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  • Create and send invitations
  • Keep track of costs and budget
  • Promote your event
  • Research and book for venues
  • Order catering
  • Pay bills
  • Send thank-you notes

How can you find a remote personal assistant

There is no doubt that a remote personal assistant can help you with a lot of things when it comes to your personal life— and you can even modify the assistant’s tasks too! But, to have the right one, the first thing you need to know is where you can find that virtual assistant that can provide you with the help that you need. There are several platforms online on which you can do your research— and we will provide you with those.


LinkedIn is one of the many platforms where you can hire a remote personal assistant. There are two options you can choose from. First is LinkedIn Recruiter; through this feature, you’ll be able to conduct a filtered search where you’ll be the one to contact potential candidates. The other option is through, LinkedIn Talent Hub; this is where it allows applicants to fill in your job posting.


Upwork is a freelancing platform where you can create a job posting. And when you have all the applications, you can then assess the candidates’ profiles, and decide who are the candidates you want to interview with. After conducting interviews, you can then decide who’s the best candidate you want to hire, and you can now create a contract and let that remote worker sign it.

Outsourcing companies

There are a lot of outsourcing companies you can find online. The challenge is to find a reliable one. One of the outsourcing companies you can trust is Stealth Agents. Stealth Agents provides different types of virtual personal assistant tasks that can help you fulfill your needs. You can book a free consultation and let’s talk about how we can help you with your personal life tasks!


Outsourcing your personal life tasks to a remote personal assistant is a form of self-care.


Hiring the perfect fit who can handle a variety of tasks for your personal life can help you feel less stressed and you will be able to spend more quality time with your family and friends.


Remember, we live life to enjoy.

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