25 Product Diversification Key Terms

25 Product Diversification Key Terms

25 Product Diversification Key Terms






Welcome to our topic on product diversification key terms! This is an important concept for businesses to understand in order to succeed and stay competitive in today’s market. In this guide, we will be discussing 25 key terms related to product diversification that are essential for any organization looking to expand their product offerings.




  1. Product Diversification: Expanding the range of products or services offered by a company to achieve higher sales, enter new markets, or reduce risk.


  2. Market Penetration: The strategy of increasing sales of existing products within existing markets.


  3. Market Development: Expanding into new markets with existing products.


  4. Product Development: Creating new products for existing markets.


  5. Horizontal Diversification: Adding new products or services that are related to the existing business but appeal to new customer segments.


  6. Vertical Diversification: Expanding into areas within the supply chain of the existing product line, either backward into sourcing or forward into distribution.


  7. Conglomerate Diversification: Diversifying into products or services with no relation to the existing business units.


  8. Risk Management: The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events.


  9. Cross-Selling: Selling related or complementary products to an existing customer.


  10. Brand Extension: Extending an existing brand name to new product categories.


  11. Portfolio Strategy: Managing a group of investments or products to maximize their collective performance.


  12. Merger and Acquisition (M&A): Strategies through which companies consolidate their businesses through various types of financial transactions.


  13. Joint Venture: A commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties that otherwise retain their distinct identities.


  14. Strategic Alliance: An agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed-upon objectives while remaining independent organizations.


  15. Innovation: The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.


  16. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): A strategic planning tool used to identify and analyze the internal and external factors that can impact the viability of a project, product, place, or person.


  17. Synergy: The concept that the combined value and performance of two companies will be greater than the sum of the separate individual parts.


  18. Economies of Scale: Reductions in average costs attributable to production volume increases.


  19. Core Competencies: The main strengths or strategic advantages of a business, including the combination of pooled knowledge and technical capacities.


  20. Market Segmentation: The process of dividing a target market into smaller, more defined categories.


  21. Competitive Advantage: A condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior business position.


  22. Differentiation Strategy: A business strategy where a company develops products and services that provide unique attributes that are valued by customers.


  23. Focus Strategy: A marketing strategy in which a company concentrates its resources on entering or expanding in a narrow market segment.


  24. Value Chain Analysis: The process of determining the activities within a company that create value and those that do not.


  25. Brand Equity: The value a brand adds to a product or service, reflected in how consumers think, feel, and act with respect to the brand.




These terms cover a broad spectrum of concepts crucial for understanding and implementing product diversification strategies in various business contexts.


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