80 New Business Location Potential Questions

80 New Business Location Potential Questions

80 New Business Location Potential Questions






When you’re looking to set up a new business, the location is more than just a point on a map; it’s the heartbeat of your brand’s future. Finding the perfect spot involves asking a plethora of questions, diving into local lore, and envisioning your sign on that corner. Here’s a list of 80 questions to walk you through potential business location nuances. Let’s map out your business’s next move!


New Business Location Potential Questions



The Early Groundwork

Starting with the basics, we’re talking zoning, space, and neighborhood vibes.

  1. Is this area zoned for the type of business you’d like to open?

  2. How much square footage do you need to comfortably accommodate your business?

  3. What are the rent and common charges in this area? Have they been stable or rising?

  4. Does the neighborhood have a customer base that aligns with your target demographic?

  5. What’s the foot traffic like, and is it consistent throughout the week?

  6. Can the local infrastructure support the logistical needs of your business?

  7. Are there competitors nearby, and if so, how might that impact your business strategy?

  8. What’s the reputation of this particular location for businesses of your type?

Permits and Regulations

Dealing with the nitty-gritty of setting up shop means understanding local laws and regulations.

  1. What kind of business licenses or permits are required in this area?

  2. Are there any restrictions on signage here?

  3. Are there any historical building requirements or restrictions that might affect renovation plans?

  4. What are the local tax laws, and how do they differ from other areas?

  5. Are there any local incentives for small businesses or startups?

  6. Do business regulations vary widely between the location and your current area?

  7. How accessible is the local government for questions or concerns about regulations?

  8. What about ADA compliance – are there specific local regulations to consider?

The Human Factor

Understanding the people and potential staffing pool of your location is crucial.

  1. What’s the employment outlook and job market like in this area?

  2. Is it possible to find a qualified workforce for your industry here?

  3. What’s the typical pay scale for relevant positions in this zip code?

  4. Are there local job fairs or professional networks to tap into for recruitment?

  5. What’s the educational background of the local population?

  6. Are there any major community events or cultural influences that might impact your workforce or customer base?

  7. What’s the local labor union presence and potential impact on your business?

  8. How do employee benefits expectations differ here compared to your current location?

Connectivity and Technology

In a digital age, the infrastructure and digital environment matter a great deal.

  1. How reliable and fast are the local internet and mobile data services?

  2. Are there any local providers who specialize in business needs like redundancy or high-security data?

  3. How tech-savvy is the local community, and how might that affect your business?

  4. What’s the level of social media usage and engagement for local businesses?

  5. How tech-forward are government services and business resources in this area?

  6. Is there a significant maker or entrepreneur community that you could tap into or learn from?

  7. What’s the local vibe about cloud services or remote work opportunities?

  8. Are there any specific cybersecurity or data privacy regulations unique to this location?

Logistics and Suppliers

The back-end supply chain is as important as the customer-facing front.

  1. How far are the airport, train station, and other transportation hubs?

  2. What are the logistics companies like in terms of cost and reliability?

  3. Are there local suppliers who could provide a unique advantage in cost or product offerings?

  4. Does the local business culture emphasize prompt deliveries or consider them a luxury?

  5. How are the roads and parking options for your staff and deliveries?

  6. What’s the parking situation for customers, and are there plans for development in this area?

  7. Are there any local import or export requirements to be aware of?

  8. How do local shipping costs and delivery times (in terms of national averages) compare?

The Look and Feel

Your physical space creates the first and ongoing impression.

  1. What changes or renovations are permissible in the space you are considering?

  2. Are there any historical preservation rules that need to be kept in mind?

  3. Does the space have natural light, which can improve employee morale and customer experiences?

  4. What are the rules for waste management and recycling in the area?

  5. Are there any tax or grant programs for energy-efficient buildings or retrofits?

  6. What are the building codes and requirements for fire safety in this locale?

  7. How easy is it to find contractors and other service providers for your initial setup?

  8. Is the local architecture in line with the aesthetic of your brand?

Marketing and Branding

Your brand should fit into the local tapestry without getting lost or clashing.

  1. What’s the local media landscape? Print, online, and are there industry-specific outlets?

  2. Does the local community have a strong preference for supporting small, local, or diverse-owned businesses?

  3. What marketing strategies have worked for businesses similar to the one you’re planning in this area?

  4. How do the local seasons or weather patterns affect consumer behavior?

  5. Are there any cultural sensitivities or language considerations to take into account?

  6. What’s the local stance on influencer marketing or brand partnerships?

  7. Are there any local traditions or events that your business could participate in or sponsor?

  8. How will you promote your business in a way that reflects and adds value to the local community?

Safety and Security

Ensuring the safety of your team and customers is non-negotiable.

  1. What’s the crime rate in this area and how does it compare to the national average?

  2. Is there a neighborhood watch or local security presence?

  3. Are there emergency services and access convenient from this location?

  4. What security measures, like cameras or alarms, are common and/or recommended for businesses?

  5. How does the local community respond to or support businesses after unfortunate events?

  6. Are there any unique safety considerations related to the type of business you’re starting?

  7. What are the costs and requirements for insurances in this area?

  8. How does the local law enforcement engage with the business community?

Environmental Impact

Entrepreneurship that respects and responds to the environment forms a positive brand image.

  1. What are the environmental regulations for businesses in this area?

  2. Are there any industrial waste limitations or opportunities for eco-friendly disposal?

  3. What’s the local water quality and reliability of utilities in supporting it?

  4. Is there a carbon footprint estimation for running operations in this location?

  5. Are there any local climate change initiatives or opportunities your business could contribute to or participate in?

  6. What are the trends and expectations for green businesses in this area?

  7. How willing and able is the local community to participate in recycling programs?

  8. Are there any unique flora or fauna considerations that impact your business operation?

Community and Collaboration

Becoming part of the fabric of the community is both a responsibility and a business booster.

  1. How open and responsive is the local chamber of commerce to new businesses?

  2. Are there community centers, business associations, or social clubs that can help you connect with locals?

  3. What role can your business play in local charity or community efforts?

  4. Is there a local mentorship or apprenticeship program you could benefit from or contribute to?

  5. How supportive is the local community of multicultural businesses or entrepreneurship?

  6. Are there local shared spaces or co-working areas where you can establish a presence or network?

  7. Can your business support or collaborate with local educational initiatives or schools?

  8. Are there local leaders, influencers, or businesses you could team up with to amplify your impact?




Selecting the right business location is a journey filled with research, introspection, and a sprinkle of intuition. As you consider these 80 questions and more, remember that you’re not just choosing a location; you’re becoming a part of a new community and shaping the very streets where your business will thrive. Here’s to finding the perfect place to unfold your entrepreneurial story!


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