75 Business Compliance Evaluation Questions

75 Business Compliance Evaluation Questions

75 Business Compliance Evaluation Questions






Running a business is like tending a garden – it’s a delicate art of nurturing, adjusting, and complying with the diverse legal and operational requirements that keep your enterprise thriving among a field of competitors. You might not always have the mitzvah of green thumbs, but cultivating your business knowledge and ensuring your practices are compliant is within your grasp. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, you need a comprehensive checklist to ensure you’re not planting the seeds of future legal woes.


Here is the ultimate tome of 75 business compliance questions you can ask yourself, because it’s far more effective to water the garden of your business diligently than it is to fight off the weeds.


Understanding Compliance – The What and the How

Before diving into the barrage of questions, let’s cultivate an understanding of what compliance is and why it matters.


Compliance Demystified

Business compliance isn’t just about following the rules for the sake of governmental bodies – it’s a strategic and ethical necessity to protect your reputation, your team, and your very livelihood.


Think of compliance as the fence that keeps your sheep from wandering into the neighbor’s cornfield. It delineates the boundaries set by the law, and if you maintain it properly, you’ve got nothing to worry about from the big bad wolf of litigation.


But what does this look like in practice? Essentially, you need to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations that govern your industry, set up processes to ensure you adhere to them, and regularly audit those processes to make sure they’re working.


Why Compliance Matters

Compliance isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of a business that’s built to stand the test of time. Non-compliance penalties can be hefty, but the price of a tarnished reputation is immeasurable and can lead to a loss of trust that may be irreversible.


When you operate by the book, you build a more sustainable and reliable business. Your customers, stakeholders, and employees know that they’re dealing with a company that takes its responsibilities seriously, which is invaluable in an increasingly skeptical market.


75 Compliance Evaluation Questions

Here’s the meat of the matter – a smorgasbord of questions that cover the spectrum of compliance areas.


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Governance and Leadership

  1. Does your company have a clear governance structure in place, with defined roles and responsibilities for decision-making?
  2. Are your directors and officers act with a duty of care and loyalty to the company?
  3. Does your leadership team demonstrate ethical business practices and uphold the principles of corporate social responsibility?

Regulatory Compliance

  1. Are you familiar with the specific laws and regulations that apply to your industry and location?
  2. Do you have processes in place to monitor and adapt to relevant regulatory changes?
  3. When was the last time you conducted a comprehensive review of your compliance with all legal standards?

Employment Practices

  1. Are your hiring practices in line with equal opportunity legislation, and do they minimize the risk of discriminatory hiring?
  2. Is your compensation and benefits structure consistent with the Fair Labor Standards Act, including minimum wage and overtime pay?
  3. Are you providing a safe working environment, and do you have a protocol for handling occupational safety and health issues?

Data Privacy and Security

  1. Do you have policies and procedures in place to protect confidential and sensitive data?
  2. Have you appointed a data protection officer to oversee the processing of personal data in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)?
  3. Can you promptly respond to data breaches and are you aware of your legal obligations in the event of a breach?

Financial Management

  1. Are your financial records accurate, up-to-date, and maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?
  2. Do you understand anti-money laundering regulations and have you implemented measures to prevent money laundering activities?
  3. Does your business have clear understanding, control, and visibility over tax compliance?

Business Operations

  1. Are your contracts and other legal documents compliant with relevant laws and regulations?
  2. Do you maintain the health and safety standards necessary in your industry and location and keep records of those efforts?
  3. Have you identified and mitigated the risks associated with your supply chain?

Intellectual Property

  1. Have you adequately protected your intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents?
  2. Do you avoid infringing the rights of others and have you checked that your products and services are not infringing any third-party patents or copyrights?
  3. Are your employees and contractors aware of the importance of intellectual property compliance?

Environmental Compliance

  1. Do you understand and meet the environmental protection laws that apply to your business and industry?
  2. Have you considered the environmental impact of your operations on local communities, wildlife, and the planet?
  3. Are you prepared for natural and man-made disasters and do you have a business continuity plan in place?

International Business Considerations

  1. Are you familiar with the legal requirements in the countries where you operate or sell your products/services?
  2. Do you have policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with international trade laws and regulations?
  3. Have you familiarized yourself with the corruption regulations and laws, such as the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act?

Digital Marketing

  1. Are your marketing and advertising practices in compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations?
  2. Do you follow the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act for email marketing, and do you have an opt-out mechanism for recipients?
  3. Have you reviewed the legal and regulatory requirements, including age-restriction rules, for the social media platforms you utilize?

Workplace Culture and Ethics

  1. Is your workplace culture conducive to open and honest communication about compliance issues?
  2. Do you promote a speaking-up culture where employees feel empowered to report violations without fear of retaliation?
  3. Are there clear consequences for compliance breaches, and are they consistently enforced?

Public Relations and Crisis Management

  1. Do you have a public relations and crisis management strategy in place to address potential compliance-related issues that may arise?
  2. Is your PR and crisis management team well-prepared to respond to compliance-related incidents quickly and effectively?
  3. Have you conducted scenario testing to prepare for various compliance crises?

E-commerce Compliance

  1. Do you follow the proper steps to ensure that your website and online business are compliant with regulations such as the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)?
  2. Are you providing the legally required information and clear return and refund policies to your online customers?
  3. Are your online marketing practices compliant with relevant laws and industry standards?

Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws

  1. Are you aware of and compliant with the intricate details of copyright laws, and do you have a system to monitor and prevent copyright infringement?
  2. Do you have a system in place to act on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices swiftly and legally?
  3. How do you address employees who use copyrighted material for business purposes without the proper licensing or permissions?

Finance and Taxation Compliance

  1. Have you got systems to register and file your taxes according to the legal deadlines and procedures?
  2. Do you have a strategy to mitigate the risk of tax fraud including cybersecurity measures to protect financial data?
  3. How has each department communicated the importance of adhering to tax laws and regulations?

Operational Compliance and Process Management

  1. Have you prepared the necessary documentation and systems for audit compliance in all business operations?
  2. In your business operations, do you have a process to vet and update vendors to ensure continued compliance?
  3. Have any new technological or operational changes in your business prompted a review of compliance within that area?

Risk Management and Insurance Compliance

  1. Are you consistent in managing and reviewing your business risk, and have you enlisted an experienced professional to aid in this?
  2. Have you updated your business insurance policies to mitigate new risks identified through changes or expansions to your business?
  3. What processes have you implemented to ensure insurance compliance and that all areas of the business are covered by policy?

Employee Management and HR Policies

  1. Have you conducted a wage and hour audit to ensure employees are being compensated and work under appropriate conditions as per law?
  2. Are your data protection and privacy policies transparent and compliant with legal requirements and best practices?
  3. What training or resources do you provide to assist your HR department in compliance knowledge and application?

Supply Chain and Manufacturing

  1. Do you have a process to ensure that all suppliers and manufacturers meet the standards outlined in your compliance framework?
  2. Have you reviewed your supply chain in the context of the corporate responsibility requirements and taken appropriate actions?
  3. How are you ensuring that new regulations and standards are comprehensively communicated and implemented across your supply chain?

Marketing Practices and Compliance

  1. Are you monitoring changes to marketing regulations and laws that could impact your industry and specific channels?
  2. How do you ensure that all marketing activities, including those conducted by third parties, comply with FTC (Federal Trade Commission) guidelines?
  3. In what ways are you actively preventing deceptive marketing practices or misrepresentation of your business or its products/services?

Contractual and Legal Obligations

  1. Do you have a process to regularly update and communicate changes to contracts and legal agreements to all relevant parties?
  2. How do you ensure that contract-related obligations are met, and is there a system for recording and reporting on this?
  3. Are employees who deal with contracts trained in the legal and compliance parameters to recognize and amend non-compliant terms?

Health and Safety Compliance

  1. Can you demonstrate compliance with all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) safety requirements applicable to your business?
  2. What strategies and measures have you implemented to continually improve health and safety standards in your workplace?
  3. Do you have a system for traceability and recall of products in the market to ensure that they are compliant with health and safety laws?

Intellectual Property Rights and Protection

  1. What is your strategy to continuously monitor and protect your intellectual property rights and address infringement?
  2. Are you educating employees about patent, trademark, and copyright and the importance of complying with IP laws?
  3. How do you handle global patent and trademark filing requirements, which may differ widely across jurisdictions?

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

  1. What measures have you implemented to secure your digital assets and protect them from cyber threats and data breaches?
  2. How often are these measures tested and reviewed by an independent entity or internal audit?
  3. Do you have a data breach response plan in place? How is it communicated and tested across the organization regularly?

Environmental and Sustainability Compliance

  1. How do you stay informed on changes in environmental regulations and ensure compliance with them?
  2. Are your corporate sustainability and environmental policies aligned with industry best practices and regulations?
  3. Do you conduct regular environmental impact assessments of your operations and take corrective action where necessary?





Compliance isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing journey guided by vigilance and a proactive stance against risks. By probing these questions, you’re not just checking off boxes; you’re safeguarding the very enterprise you’ve invested your dreams, sweat, and perhaps a few tears, into building. Remember, a compliant company is a company that doesn’t just survive – it thrives.


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