Ways to create a blog on Shopify.

An Easy Way To Create A Blog On Shopify: Best Practices


A blog on Shopify can drive more traffic to your e-commerce store and is a big part of your marketing strategy, but most people overlook it. Every Shopify site should include a blog.





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In this guide, you will learn how the Shopify blog works and how it incorporates your blog with your e-commerce store.

Are you ready? Let’s get into it!


What is a Shopify virtual assistant?

To make the process even easier, consider using a Shopify virtual assistant.



A virtual assistant can help you with various tasks, such as content creation, SEO optimization, and social media promotion.



With a Shopify virtual assistant, you can focus on other aspects of your business while ensuring that your blog is consistently updated with high-quality content.


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By following these best practices and leveraging the help of a Shopify virtual assistant, you can create a successful blog on Shopify that drives traffic, engages your audience, and boosts your e-commerce sales.


Blogging with Shopify: The Basics

The embedded capabilities of Shopify can meet your needs for e-commerce blogs.



It is easy, quick, and free, and you can cover the basics of blogging, such as inserting photos and videos.



Moreover, it allows adding descriptions and the ability to schedule your future blogs, tags, and comments.



However, it is not as powerful a blog system as WordPress, but you may not require all the functionalities for starting an e-commerce blog.

Benefits of Using Your Shopify Blog

When you use your Shopify blog, it comes with plenty of benefits that include:


Consistency in Branding

  • Your online store and blog should maintain a cohesive feel. Although they are different pages, their look and feel should be similar.


Centralized Management

  • Use one admin tool to manage and maintain content for your blog and store.

How to Create a Blog on Shopify

You can create an e-commerce blog on Shopify.


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It provides plenty of attractive Shopify blog themes and blog apps with the capability to customize your blog on Shopify.



It is quite a simple process to start a Shopify blog. Only one thing can be daunting for you, i.e., how to find the ideas for blog posts to do it consistently.




Don’t fret; you will get caught up in the nitty-gritty details about starting a Shopify blog, especially if you have a Shopify virtual assistant for writers on your side.




First off, choose your niche, blogging platform, and domain name and build your blog.




Now, choose the theme for your blog that is cohesive with your e-commerce store. Plan your content and publishing strategy.




It can indeed be difficult for you to stand out from the crowd amidst millions of blog post uploads in a single day, but it is not impossible.



Here are some ideas that help you when you run out of ideas or need some good ideas to start with:



  • Try to focus on a particular segment of a big category and specific location.


  • Choose a particular voice tone for your content, such as humor.


  • Share more details about a particular topic. For example, write about topics that no one else is writing about. People mostly write on general topics.


Your niche has great importance because it will help you stay focused on a single topic and prevent you from getting distracted.




When you choose one niche, you will never run out of ideas and come up with a great content idea because you know what to address.




When you have some good content ideas, you could check them on Google and see what keywords your competitors have used.



This way, you will get an idea of how different content is performing on the web.

Choose a Domain Name, and Build a Blog

There are two types of blogging platforms, i.e., self-hosted platforms and hosted platforms.

  • Self-Hosted Platforms: Self-hosted platforms offer plenty of customization offers. However, it needs an initial setup, so you need to pay a monthly fee to host your website.



  • Hosted Platforms: Some hosted platforms normally have built-in audiences, so you can get started at once. Some hosted platforms are free, but some are paid.



Shopify is a hosted platform that allows you to make your e-commerce site and blog as well. It also gives you hundreds of apps with them, which help you to grow.



There is a blog on Shopify, i.e., Press’ blog, which is also known as Squeeze Magazine.



They sell juice cleanses and cold-pressed fresh juices that show that healthy living is their main focus.



They used the blog templates of Shopify that look like an online publication with the name Squeeze Magazine.




This blog focuses on healthy places to eat, workout clothes, mindfulness practices, and anything related to healthy living.



There is also a good example of a Shopify blog with the name Black Girls Run Blog. This blog is all about race announcements and running.



Pick a Theme and Name for Your Blog on Shopify

Once you have picked out a hosted or self-hosted platform, the next step is to pick the name and theme of your blog.



Decide what type of layout you want for your blog.




The theme is a blog template for the overall look, feel, and layout of your online store’s blog.



There are a plethora of Shopify blog themes available on the web. Once you choose the theme, consider buying a domain name.




Your domain name should be catchy, easy, and memorable, and something that associates with your brand name.



Let’s take an example of a Shopify blog, i.e., Bel Kai.



This blog publishes jewelry stories of real people that reveal their memories.



They also include their latest collection in the sidebar of the Shopify blog.



This is a clever way to bring people back to their products when they have clicked over the blog.

Make a Content Strategy for Your Blog on Shopify

However, your blog is ready, but you are halfway.



You need to have an audience to share your content.




Here are some important things that you should take into account before publishing your blog on Shopify:



  • Collect email IDs of your email subscribers.


  • Use Quora for your content seeding plan. Here, you can find your target audience and answer their questions by sharing your blog posts. Moreover, you can also extract blog ideas from the users’ questions. It will also give you insights into your niche audience’s needs.


Social Media Channels

If you want to grow your audience, creating social media groups and pages is a great thing to do.




Also, follow some relevant groups and join forums.



Participate in forum discussions and use these groups to share your blog posts.



Don’t forget to plan your publishing strategy by creating a content calendar. It helps you keep track of your publishing plan.



You can create a spreadsheet or use online tools like Buffer, HootSuite, and others for this purpose.



For creating an appealing blog, use a content mix that will drive more traffic to your blog.



First off, you need to choose your blog’s categories and use tags to organize your blog posts.



There are a lot of things that you may include in the content mix:



  • Evergreen Content: Share evergreen content that addresses the common issues of your target audience that they search on Google. You can republish, update, and curate such topics now and then. It will always capture the attention of the audience.


  • Topical Content: Share topical content that is all about trending topics that readers care about and want to learn more about them.


  • Curated Content: Another category is curated content, which has a smaller scope, but it requires less time to create and keep the reader engaged.


  • Interactive Content: Interactive content like videos, infographics related to your topics is more powerful than text and supports your blog.


Only publishing your blog is not enough; you need to acquire a good amount of readership too.




Reply to the comments of the readers on your blog. It is very crucial because it can spark a conversation that leads to a good relationship with your customers.



Moreover, conversations lead to engagement, which ends up with high streams of leads and turns your readers into paying customers.


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