25 Digital marketing skills you need to know

25 Digital Marketing Skills You Need To Know

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field that is always on the move. It’s a dynamic and ever-changing environment where nothing stays the same.

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To achieve success, it is crucial to consistently enhance one’s resources.  However, in the expansive world of marketing, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Discover 25 essential modern marketing skills to propel you toward a successful career.


What is a digital marketer?

25 Digital marketing skills you need to know


A digital marketer is someone who relies on online platforms and digital technologies to effectively promote products or brands. They reach customers using social media, email, search engines, and websites. They promote brand recognition, create leads, and convert leads into consumers.


Lists of digital marketing skills 

Here are the lists of digital marketing skills, along with the skills needed, how to acquire and their importance to digital marketing.


1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

 SEO involves optimizing a website to improve its visibility on search engines, aiming for higher organic (non-paid) search rankings.


Skills needed: Keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, technical SEO, analytics interpretation.

Acquisition: Learn through online courses, industry blogs, and Google’s SEO Starter Guide. Practice by optimizing a personal website.

Importance: Crucial for driving organic traffic, increasing online visibility, and enhancing the overall user experience.


2. Content marketing

Producing and sharing valuable content to captivate and involve a specific audience.


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Skills needed: Content creation, storytelling, audience analysis, SEO knowledge, analytics interpretation.


Acquisition: Study content marketing guides, practice writing diverse content types, and analyze successful content strategies.


Importance: Establishes brand authority, builds trust, and drives customer loyalty through valuable, relevant information.


3. Social media marketing

 Promoting products/services through social media platforms to increase brand awareness and drive traffic.


Skills needed: Social media management, content creation, community engagement, analytics interpretation.


Acquisition: Engage in social media, use analytics tools, and explore social media marketing courses.


Importance: Provides a direct connection with the audience, enhances brand personality, and boosts website traffic.


4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Placing online ads and paying only when users click on them.


Skills needed: Keyword research, ad creation, bid management, analytics interpretation, A/B testing.


Acquisition: Google Ads certification, hands-on experience, and continuous monitoring of industry trends.


Importance: Immediate visibility, precise targeting, and measurable ROI.


5. Email marketing

Delivering tailored messages to a specific audience through email to cultivate potential customers and boost sales.


Skills needed: Copywriting, segmentation, automation tools, analytics interpretation.


Acquisition: Learn through online courses, practice creating effective email campaigns, and analyze metrics.


Importance: Builds customer relationships, drives conversions, and allows personalized communication.


6. Analytics and data interpretation

By looking at data, you can find useful information and make smart business choices.


Skills needed: Data analysis, statistical knowledge, proficiency in analytics tools.


Acquisition: Courses in data analytics, Google Analytics certification, and practical application.


Importance: Enables data-driven decision-making, tracks campaign performance, and identifies areas for improvement.


7. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increasing the number of website users who do what you want them to do.


Skills needed: A/B testing, user experience (UX) understanding, and data analysis.


Acquisition: Learn from CRO guides, conduct A/B testing, and utilize analytics tools.


Importance: Enhances website performance, increases ROI, and maximizes the impact of marketing efforts.


8. Mobile marketing:

Marketing efforts tailored for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.


Skills needed: Mobile platform knowledge, app marketing, responsive design understanding.


Acquisition: Understand mobile trends, optimize websites for mobile, and explore mobile advertising platforms.


Importance: Capitalizes on the widespread use of mobile devices, reaching audiences on the go.


9. Influencer marketing

Collaborating with influential individuals to promote products/services to their followers.


Skills needed: Relationship building, negotiation, identifying relevant influencers.


Acquisition: Identify influencers, build relationships, and understand influencer marketing platforms.


Importance: Leverages the trust influencers have with their audience, expanding brand reach.


10. Video Marketing

Using videos to promote and market products/services.


Skills needed: Video creation/editing, storytelling, understanding video platforms.


Acquisition: Develop video creation skills, understand video platforms, and analyze video performance.


Importance: Engages audiences effectively, enhances storytelling, and boosts user interaction.


11. Affiliate marketing

Partner with an affiliate marketing virtual assistant who promotes your products for a commission.


Skills needed: Partnership management, understanding of tracking systems, and negotiation.


Acquisition: Explore affiliate marketing programs, learn about tracking systems, and develop partnerships.


Importance: Cost-effective, broadens reach through diverse networks, and incentivizes performance.


12. Marketing automation:

Using software to automate repetitive marketing tasks.


Skills needed: Automation tool proficiency, workflow creation, strategy development.


Acquisition: Learn marketing automation platforms, understand workflows, and implement campaigns.


Importance: Improves efficiency, personalizes communication, and nurtures leads.


13. Customer relationship management (CRM)

Overseeing interactions and building connections with existing and prospective clients.


Skills needed: CRM software proficiency, customer lifecycle understanding.


Acquisition: Familiarize with CRM tools, understand customer lifecycle stages, and implement CRM strategies.


Importance: Enhances customer satisfaction, streamlines communication, and fosters loyalty.


14. Branding and brand management

Creating and maintaining a brand image that reflects company values and resonates with the target audience.


Skills needed: Brand strategy, design understanding, consistency in messaging.


Acquisition: Study branding principles, analyze successful brands, and create a consistent brand identity.


Importance: Builds brand equity, establishes brand loyalty, and differentiates from competitors.


15. A/b testing

Seeing which version of a website or campaign works better by comparing two of them.


Skills needed: Experiment design, statistical knowledge, analytics interpretation.


Acquisition: Understand A/B testing methodologies, use testing tools, and analyze results.


Importance: Optimizes marketing elements for better performance, based on data-driven insights.


16. Copywriting and content creation

Crafting persuasive and compelling written content to drive engagement and conversions.


Skills needed: Writing proficiency, creativity, understanding of target audience.


Acquisition: Practice writing, study copywriting techniques, and seek feedback.


Importance: Captures attention, communicates brand messages effectively, and drives action.


17. Social Listening

Keeping an eye on online conversations to learn how customers feel and what the trends are in the business.


Skills needed: Social listening tools proficiency, data analysis, communication skills.


Acquisition: Use social listening tools, analyze data, and respond to customer feedback.


Importance: Provides valuable insights, identifies opportunities, and addresses customer concerns proactively.


18. Online reputation management

Monitoring and influencing the online perception of a brand or individual.


Skills needed: Communication, brand monitoring, crisis management.


Acquisition: Implement strategies to manage reviews, respond to feedback, and engage with the audience.


Importance: Protects brand reputation, builds trust, and influences customer perception.


19. Customer segmentation and targeting

Dividing the target market into separate groups and tailoring marketing efforts to each section.


Skills needed: Data analysis, segmentation strategy development, targeting methods.


Acquisition: Analyze customer data, identify segments, and create targeted campaigns.


Importance: Improves marketing efficiency, increases relevance, and enhances customer satisfaction.


20. Marketing strategy and planning

Creating an all-encompassing marketing strategy that fits with the company’s objectives.


Skills needed: Strategic thinking, market analysis, and planning proficiency.


Acquisition: Study strategic marketing principles, analyze market trends, and create a detailed marketing plan.


Importance: Guides marketing efforts, aligns activities with objectives and ensures a cohesive approach.


21. Public Relations (PR)

 Managing the communication and relationships between a company and its public audience.


Skills needed: Communication, relationship building, crisis management.


Acquisition: Learn PR principles, practice effective communication, and build media relationships.


Importance: Shapes public perception, builds credibility, and manages crises.


22. Influencer Relationship Management (IRM)


Nurturing and managing relationships with influencers to ensure mutually beneficial collaborations.


Skills needed: Relationship building, negotiation, understanding influencer dynamics.


Acquisition: Build interpersonal skills, understand influencer dynamics, and manage influencer partnerships.


Importance: Fosters long-term partnerships, ensures authenticity in collaborations and maximizes influencer impact.


23. E-commerce and online retail

Managing and promoting the online sales of products or services.


Skills needed: E-commerce platform understanding, product optimization, marketing strategy.


Acquisition: Understand e-commerce platforms, optimize product listings, and stay updated on industry trends.


Importance: Facilitates direct sales, expands market reach, and capitalizes on the growing online shopping trend.


24. Emerging trends and technologies

Staying informed about new technologies and trends shaping the marketing landscape.


Skills needed: Continuous learning, technology awareness, adaptability.


Acquisition: Follow industry news, attend conferences, and engage in continuous learning.


Importance: Positions marketers to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technology advancements.




As technology advances and the digital world changes, it is becoming more important than ever for businesses to have a strong online presence and digital marketing skills strategy in order to stay competitive in their respective industries. This has created a high demand for skilled digital marketers who possess a diverse set of skills in various areas.


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