40 Virtual Event Planning Ideas

40 Virtual Event Planning Ideas

Hosting a virtual event that not only meets but exceeds your guests’ expectations is the X-factor of the digital world.

With a little innovation and flair, you can turn your screen into a magic window to new connections, experiences, and memories.


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Whether you’re a creative online management event planning pro, a novice D.I.Y.-er, or just here for creative inspiration, an event planning virtual assistant can help you give your attendees the best time possible.

Let’s dive into the plethora of possibilities that can give your next virtual event the sparkle it deserves!


The Essentials for a Smooth Virtual Event

First things first. Before we get to the theme parties and interactive sessions, here’s what you need to consider to lay the groundwork for your digital soirée.


1. Choose the Right Platform

There’s a flotilla of virtual event platforms available, each with its own set of features and limitations. Do your research to find the platform that best suits your event’s aim, scale, and budget.

2. Tech Support is King

Every digital event should come with its knight in shining armor ready to resolve technical difficulties on the spot. Having dedicated tech support on hand will ensure that no hiccups turn into reefs on the night of your event.

3. Create an Accessible Experience

Keep in mind accessibility from the get-go. Offer closed captions, and sign language interpreters, and consider attendees with diverse abilities. A truly inclusive event is a memorable one.

4. Test, Test, and Test Some More

Never underestimate the power of dry runs. Check the audio, test the visuals, and vet the interactivity of your sessions. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it also means you’re ready to handle the unexpected.

Interactive Elements That Engage

A screen doesn’t have to be a barrier to interaction. These activities bring the virtual space to life and encourage your attendees to actively participate.

5. Virtual Icebreakers

We might be missing those chance hellos and smiles that in-person events thrive on, but a well-designed icebreaker can be just as warm and welcoming.

6. Live Polls and Q&A Sessions

This isn’t your average poll; prompt your guests with questions that stroke their curiosity, and let candid responses drive portions of your event.

7. Digital Networking Sessions

Set up breakout rooms where guests can meet and greet in small groups. A structured approach ensures that networking stays active and productive.

8. Gamify the Event

A treasure hunt, bingo, or even a choose-your-own-adventure narrative can turn any virtual event into a playful quest that keeps attendees on their toes.

9. The Power of the Pre-Event Package

Mail out care packages containing relevant event gear, themed snacks, or materials for sessions. It’s the personal touch that pulls the virtual into the corporeal.

Crafting Virtual Experiences with a Theme

Themes add pizzazz to an event and make it memorable. Here are some themes guaranteed to create a lasting impression.


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10. Global Gala

Celebrate diversity by showcasing different cultures and traditions through music, dance, and cuisine in a one-night world tour.

11. Retro Rewind

Pick a decade and have everyone dress and dive into the cultural highlights of that era. Bonus points for getting the historical references right.

12. Superhero Showcase

Encourage attendees to dress as their favorite superheroes or the everyday heroes that inspire them. A salute to the unseen warriors!

13. Cosplay-Cons

For enthusiasts of pop culture, comic or anime conventions provide a ready-made space to let their imagination off the leash.

14. Destination Day

Transform your screen into far-off lands with a day dedicated to a place or city, featuring local customs, activities, and entertainment.

Enhance the Experiential Side of Things

To create an event that lingers in the hearts and minds of your guests, infuse experiences that appeal to the senses and emotions.

15. A Culinary Masterclass

Partner with a renowned chef or a local kitchen hero to provide a virtual tutorial on a delicious dish. Interactive cook-offs, anyone?

16. Mixology Magic

Cocktail crafting sessions can be a spirited way to liven up an event. Provide a shopping list, and let a mixologist turn those ingredients into liquid art.

17. Artistic Expressions

From live painting sessions to virtual museum tours, art has a universal language that can resonate deeply with attendees.

18. Mindfulness and Wellness

Integrate yoga or meditation sessions. Easing the mind can sometimes be as memorable as events that energize the spirit.

19. Music and Dance

Concerts, DJ sets, or interactive musical games – let the rhythm of storytelling through music guide your event.

20. Movie Nights, Reimagined

Screen a classic film or host a viewing of a documentary, then bring in the director or actors for a live Q&A.

Leveraging Speakers and Influencers

The right voices can amplify the message of your event. Here’s how to choose impactful speakers and influencers.

21. Thought-Leader Panels

A powerhouse of industry shapers on one digital stage can provide your guests with insights to ponder over long after the event.

22. Celebrity Hosts and Guests

The right celebrity can add stardust that lights up your event. Just be sure it aligns with your theme and audience.

23. Storytelling Sessions

Often the most impactful, personal stories can resonate deeply and inspire in ways that data and reports can’t.

24. Fireside Chat Formats

For a more intimate feel, consider a more casual setup where the speaker ‘chats’ with the audience, much like friends around a campfire.

Making the Presentation Pop

You have important presentations or workshops lined up. How do you make sure they’re not just another slide show?

25. Use Interactive Tools

From whiteboards for brainstorming to live editing of documents, modern tech can transform a presentation into a group project in real-time.

26. Set the Virtual Stage

Consider green screens to transport presenters to any backdrop, which can align with the event’s theme or add an element of surprise.

27. Incorporate Live Art

An illustrator creating a visual representation of the presentation as it unfolds can be an insightful and entertaining addition.

28. Showcase New Technologies

If your event caters to a tech-savvy audience, the use of new tools or platforms can not only make their day but also align with your event’s tech theme.

Be Mindful of Timings and Time Zones

With a global audience, nailing down the perfect time is an art form in itself.

29. Spread It Out

Consider a series of shorter events spread over a day to accommodate different time zones and attention spans.

30. The Magic of the Mid-Morning Session

For many, the hours between 10 am to 12 pm are the most alert and productive. Schedule important or engaging sessions during this window.

31. Plan for Post-Work Delight

For those balancing work and the event, sessions in the late afternoon or early evening might provide a much-needed pick-me-up.

32. Late-Night Discussions and Debates

Depending on the nature of your event, scheduling memorable moments that push into the night can capitalize on the buzz and energy that comes with after-dark musings.

Monetization and Sponsorships

Virtual events don’t just have to be cost centers; they can be a source of revenue too.

33. Tiered Ticketing

Offer different packages that include various access levels, exclusive networking events, or physical event ‘swag.’

34. Sponsored Breaks and Sessions

Incorporate sponsors into the event in creative ways that add value. For example, a sponsored break that features a comedy show or a mini meditation session.

35. Virtual Exhibitor Booths

Sponsors and exhibitors can host virtual booths where they showcase products and services, with live chat support for attendees to ask questions.

36. Customized Content for Sponsors

Work with sponsors to create content that’s engaging and informative, which aligns with their brand and the event’s theme.

The Follow-Up, Just as Important

An event doesn’t end when screens power down; it’s in the post-event activities where lasting relationships are cultivated.

37. On-Demand Access

Offer on-demand access to sessions for attendees so they can revisit highlights or view anything they missed.

38. Post-Event Surveys

Gather feedback through surveys while the event is still fresh in attendees’ minds. This input is gold for future events.

39. Virtual Thank-You Notes and Certificates

Personalized thank-you notes or certificates of attendance can be a virtual handshake that leaves a lasting impression.

40. A Roadmap to Future Events

Keep the conversation going by announcing future events or follow-up webinars, giving attendees something to look forward to.


A virtual event represents a unique canvas that allows for unexpected strokes and bursts of color in the fabric of everyday life.

Whether it’s through technology or the human element, the best events are those that manage to make thousands click, laugh, and learn in a singularly unifying experience from the comfort of their own homes.


So, the next time you sign in to host or participate in a virtual event, remember that the distance between you and the others isn’t a void to be bridged; it’s a space teeming with untapped potential awaiting the right architect to draw the lines that connect.

You can also leverage these ideas when planning to hire a virtual assistant for virtual events.


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