30 Corporate Social Innovation Terms

30 Corporate Social Innovation Terms

30 Corporate Social Innovation Terms



Corporate Social Innovation (CSI) is becoming a staple component in the microcosm of business strategies. It doesn’t just underline a corporation’s ethos; it’s more than a trend. With conscious consumerism on the rise and the global spotlight on sustainability, it’s clear that businesses can’t just survive; they must adapt and thrive in this new business environment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to 30 essential Corporate Social Innovation terms that illuminate the essence of being a socially responsible enterprise and the means to measure and communicate that.





Corporate Social Innovation Terms





  1. Corporate Social Innovation: The process of companies developing solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues, while enhancing their competitiveness.


  2. Social Entrepreneurship: The use of startup companies and other entrepreneurs to develop, fund, and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues.


  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.


  4. Sustainable Development: Economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.


  5. Triple Bottom Line: A business approach that includes social, environmental, and financial performance indicators.


  6. Social Enterprise: An organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in financial, social, and environmental well-being.


  7. Impact Investing: Investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.


  8. Stakeholder Engagement: The process by which an organization involves people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence the implementation of its decisions.


  9. Community Development: A process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.


  10. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): A set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments.


  11. Ethical Business Practices: Conducting business in a manner that is fair, ethical, and in compliance with legal standards.


  12. Social Impact Assessment: The process of analyzing the impact of public interventions on the social aspects of the human environment.


  13. Green Technology: Technology whose use is intended to mitigate or reverse the effects of human activity on the environment.


  14. Social Return on Investment (SROI): A principles-based method for measuring extra-financial value relative to resources invested.


  15. B Corporation (B Corp): A type of for-profit corporate entity that includes positive impact on society, workers, the community, and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals.


  16. Corporate Philanthropy: The act of a corporation or business promoting the welfare of others, generally through charitable donations of funds or time.


  17. Socially Responsible Investing (SRI): An investment strategy that seeks to consider both financial return and social/environmental good.


  18. Social Innovation: The development and implementation of new ideas (products, services, models) to meet social needs.


  19. Circular Economy: An economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources.


  20. Shared Value: A management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems.


  21. Sustainable Business Practices: Conducting business in a way that impacts the environment and society positively.


  22. Community Engagement: The process of working collaboratively with community groups to address issues that impact the well-being of those groups.


  23. Ethical Supply Chain: Supply chain management processes that prioritize sustainability and fair labor practices.


  24. Diversity and Inclusion: Strategies that promote the representation and participation of diverse groups of people.


  25. Renewable Energy: Energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.


  26. Corporate Volunteering: Employees volunteering their time during work hours to participate in community service activities, often organized by the employer.


  27. Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Integrating environmentally and financially sustainable practices into the supply chain lifecycle.


  28. Inclusive Business: A business model that benefits low-income communities by including them in the value chain of a company’s operations.


  29. Cause Marketing: Marketing strategies used by companies to promote a social cause or charity, often tied to the company’s brand.


  30. Employee Engagement in Sustainability: Actively involving employees in a company’s sustainability initiatives.





In a time where companies are increasingly evaluated not just on their financial returns, but also on their social and environmental impact, understanding these 30 Corporate Social Innovation terms is not just a step towards speaking the corporate language; it’s understanding the lexicon of a corporate world that is changing. Encouraging businesses to adopt corporate social innovation is not just a moral obligation; it’s a strategic move that ensures a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world for all. This is a journey we at large are a part of, with every step counting towards the collective good. Let this glossary serve as a compass, guiding businesses towards a horizon where innovation and social responsibility are not separate entities but equally potent drivers of corporate success.


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