Virtual Assistant Vs Administrative Assistant (Which is Better)

Virtual Assistant Vs Administrative Assistant (Which is Better)

When choosing between a virtual assistant and an entrepreneur for administrative tasks, you should consider the job and how much they get paid. 




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On average, a VA charges about $39,915 a year, while an AA gets paid a bit less, around $34,945 annually. 



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Furthermore, we’ll discuss the major differences between both, their duties, where to hire, and which is best for you.


The main difference between a virtual assistant and an administrative assistant is VAs are independent contractors and work remotely, while AAs are salaried employees working on the site.


An  Admin virtual assistant works remotely and can support various clients from anywhere in the world.


On the other hand, Administrative Virtual Assistant task is  handle day-to-day tasks like scheduling, managing emails, and sometimes greeting clients who visit the office. 



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Here are the major differences explained:


1. Equipment


Virtual assistant administrators are responsible for their reliable computer, the necessary software for the tasks they’ll be handling, and a solid internet connection.


But administrative assistants who often use equipment provided by their employers, VAs are in charge of maintaining and updating their tech tools.


This setup allows VAs the flexibility to work from anywhere, but it also means they need to be a bit tech-savvy to manage any issues that come up on their own.

2. Location


Virtual assistants work remotely, which means they can help you from anywhere in the world. 


This setup is perfect if your work requires flexibility and you don’t have a physical office. 


On the other hand, administrative assistants typically work in an office setting, directly where you are. 


This can be beneficial if you need someone on-site to manage tasks or handle in-person duties. 

3. Benefits


There’s also a notable difference in the benefits and financial obligations for businesses. 


With VAs, companies aren’t required to offer the same level of benefits or pay the same taxes that they would for an administrative assistant. 



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This can mean significant savings and more flexibility in managing costs. 


However, when it comes to administrative assistants, businesses are expected to provide certain benefits and comply with tax obligations. 


This creates a more traditional employment relationship, which includes additional financial and administrative responsibilities for the company.

4. Salary


When it comes to salary, there’s a noticeable difference between both, primarily because of their working environments and job scopes.


On average, a virtual assistant earns around $39,915 every year. 


On the other hand, an administrative assistant usually gets a little less, with an average salary of about $34,945 annually. 


So, if salary is a big factor for you, this could be something to think about when deciding between these two roles.

5. Skills


VAs often excel in digital communication tools, time management software, and remote collaboration platforms because they commonly work from different locations.


They need to be tech-savvy, able to manage projects independently and be proficient in online research.


On the other hand, AAs might focus more on in-person communication skills, managing physical files, and conducting office management tasks efficiently.


Both roles require strong organizational abilities, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills.

Virtual Assistant Vs Administrative Assistant

What are Virtual Assistant services offer?

1. Email Management


A major duty of a virtual assistant in email management involves organizing your inbox so that it’s tidy and manageable. 


So, they’ll be sorting through incoming messages, flagging important emails for your attention, and replying to others on your behalf when appropriate.


A VA can also unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters and manage spam, ensuring that you only see what’s relevant to your work. 

2. Schedule Coordination


On the other hand, they arrange meetings, appointments, and calls for you. They ensure you don’t have two meetings at the same time and remind you about your commitments. 


This helps you stay organized and focus on important tasks without worrying about missing or overlapping appointments.

3. Social Media Management


Social media management involves creating and scheduling posts across various platforms like; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep the audience engaged and informed.


They also monitor comments and messages, responding swiftly to queries and interacting with followers to build a strong. 


Lastly, they analyze performance metrics to understand what type of content resonates best with the audience.

4. Administrative Tasks


Moreover, they play a crucial role in handling a wide range of administrative tasks, ensuring that your business operations run smoothly. 


They handle data entry, update records, and manage your contacts to keep your business organized. 


In essence, VA takes on the day-to-day tasks that, while necessary, can be time-consuming for business owners to do themselves.

5. Customer Service


Customer service includes answering emails promptly, handling inquiries on social media, and managing live chat interactions.


Virtual assistants ensure that every customer feels heard, valued, and satisfied with the service they receive.


This role is crucial in building and maintaining the trust and loyalty of customers towards a brand or business.

virtual executive assistant

What are the Duties of an Administrative Assistant?

1. Calendar Management


An important duty of an administrative assistant is keeping track of schedules and managing calendars.


They schedule meetings, ensure there are no conflicts between appointments, and remind others about upcoming events or deadlines. 


So, they ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently, helping everyone stay organized and on track with their responsibilities.

2. Communication Handling


Administrative assistants also play a crucial role in managing communications within an office. 


They handle incoming calls and emails, ensuring that messages reach the right people promptly.


Their ability to listen carefully and respond effectively is key to keeping office operations smooth and efficient. 


They also draft and send out correspondence on behalf of the company, ensuring every piece of communication is clear, professional, and on-brand.

3. Document Preparation


This job involves creating, formatting, and editing documents to make sure they are clear, correct, and ready for use.


These documents often range from reports, presentations, newsletters, and emails to letters and memos.


However, AAs need to know how to use various word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software efficiently. 


Accuracy, attention to detail, and the ability to organize information in a way that makes sense to others are crucial skills for this role. 

4. Meeting Coordination


Meeting coordination includes scheduling meeting times that work for all involved parties, booking suitable locations, and ensuring necessary equipment is prepared. 


They also handle the details of inviting attendees, managing RSVPs, and may even take on the role of facilitating the meeting to ensure it runs smoothly. 


Moreover, they are often responsible for preparing and distributing meeting agendas, as well as taking and distributing minutes to keep everyone informed.

5. Office supply management


An important duty of an AA involves managing office supplies and ensuring everyone has what they need to get their work done without any hitches.


This includes ordering new supplies before anything runs out, from paper and pens to printer ink and snacks. 


It’s about keeping the office running smoothly by tracking inventory, finding the best deals to save money, and organizing the supplies.

virtual admin assistant

Who to Choose? VA or AA

Who to Choose? VA or AA

If you’re choosing between virtual assistants (VA) and administrative assistants (AA) depends on your needs.


If you have an online business or big company and need someone to handle tasks online, outsourcing a virtual assistant is a great choice.


They can manage emails, appointement setting, and handle social media from anywhere in the world.


On the other hand, if your job requires someone to be physically present, manage paperwork, or handle in-person duties, an AA is better. 


They work in your office, assisting with day-to-day operations and face-to-face interactions. 


Lastly, you should consider your daily tasks and decide which assistant suits your work style and requirements best.

Where to Hire Virtual Assistant and Administrative Assistant?

administrative virtual assistant

If you’re looking to hire a VA or an administrative assistant to streamline your workload, Stealth Agents might be a fantastic place to start.


They offer a wide range of VA services tailored to meet the needs of businesses, entrepreneurs, and busy professionals.


Their VAs are skilled in various tasks, including email management, scheduling, customer service, and much more. 


They have a user-friendly, and support team that’s always ready to help you find the perfect assistant. 


Another great feature is that Stealth Agents thoroughly train their assistants, ensuring they’re well-equipped.

Key Differences of Virtual Assistant vs Executive Assistant

Although executive assistants and virtual assistants may share some duties, there are a few important distinctions between the two positions.

executive assistant vs administrative assistant

1. Work Environment

The most obvious difference is the work environment.


Virtual assistants work remotely, while executive assistants usually work in an office setting.


This can greatly impact the way they communicate and collaborate with their clients or executives.


2. Scope of Responsibilities

Virtual assistants generally have a wider scope of responsibilities, as they may work with multiple clients and handle a variety of tasks.


They also have the flexibility to take on different projects or assignments.



On the other hand, executive assistants typically have a more focused set of responsibilities and primarily support one executive or manager.


They are expected to be dedicated solely to their assigned executive’s needs.


3. Level of Autonomy

Virtual assistants have a higher level of autonomy, as they are responsible for managing their own workload and schedule.


They may have more control over the tasks they take on and how they manage their time.


Executive assistants, on the other hand, often work closely with their assigned executive and must follow a set schedule or routine.


They typically have less control over their workload and may need to prioritize tasks based on their executive’s needs.

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