Outsource Trademark Filings

Outsource Trademark Filings

Securing a trademark is crucial for protecting your brand, but nearly 85% of applications face initial rejections due to errors. In 2023, the USPTO received over 733,000 applications, a 5% increase from the previous year.

Outsourcing trademark filings can reduce rejection risks and streamline the process, leading to a 45% faster approval rate compared to in-house handling.





Stealth Agents can assist you in finding the right services to outsource your trademark filings. Book a free discussion today to explore your options and our virtual assistant pricing.

Why Outsource for Trademark Filings?

Securing a trademark is crucial for protecting your brand, but nearly 85% of applications face initial rejections due to errors.

In 2023, the USPTO received over 733,000 applications, a 5% increase from the previous year.

Outsourcing trademark filings can reduce rejection risks and streamline the process, leading to a 45% faster approval rate compared to in-house handling.

How do you tell if you need to outsource Trademark Filings?

  • Complexity of the Filing

If your trademark covers multiple classes or a wide range of goods/services, it may be beneficial to outsource to ensure everything is correctly categorized and described. Additionally, if you need protection in multiple countries, navigating various international laws and regulations can be challenging without expert assistance.



  • Knowledge and Expertise

Trademark filings require a solid understanding of trademark law. If you or your team lacks this expertise, outsourcing to professionals can help avoid costly mistakes. Experienced trademark attorneys or filing services will be familiar with common pitfalls and how to avoid them.



  • Time and Resources

Consider if you have the time and personnel to handle the filings internally. Outsourcing can free up your team to focus on other important tasks. Filing deadlines are crucial and missing a deadline can lead to a loss of rights. Professionals can ensure timely and accurate submissions.



  • Budget

While outsourcing has a cost, consider the potential savings in avoiding legal issues or refiling fees due to errors. Weigh the cost of outsourcing against the potential benefits and savings.




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  • Risk Management

Incorrect filings can lead to rejections or legal disputes. Professional services can help mitigate these risks.



  • Strategic Planning

If your brand strategy involves extensive trademark protection, building a relationship with a professional service can provide long-term benefits and strategic advice.



  • When to Consider Outsourcing

If your filing involves multiple jurisdictions, if you lack in-house legal expertise, if your filings are complex or cover many goods/services, if you want to ensure accuracy and avoid potential legal issues, or if you prefer to allocate your internal resources elsewhere, it might be worth considering outsourcing.



What are the Benefits of Outsourcing trademark filings?

1. Expertise and Accuracy

Trademark professionals have in-depth knowledge and experience, ensuring filings are accurate and compliant with legal requirements. This reduces the risk of rejections or the need for amendments, saving time and resources.

2. Time Efficiency

Handling trademark filings internally can be time-consuming, especially if your team lacks experience. Outsourcing allows you to focus on core business activities while experts manage the intricate details of the filing process.

3. Cost Savings

While there is an upfront cost to outsourcing, it can be more cost-effective in the long run by avoiding potential legal issues, refiling fees, and the time your team would spend navigating the complexities of trademark law.

4. Global Reach

If you need trademark protection in multiple jurisdictions, outsourcing to a service with international expertise can simplify the process. They understand the nuances of various countries’ laws and can efficiently handle multi-jurisdictional filings.

5. Risk Management

Professional services are adept at identifying and mitigating risks associated with trademark filings. They can conduct thorough searches and provide strategic advice to avoid conflicts and ensure robust protection.

6. Strategic Guidance

Outsourcing firms often provide valuable strategic insights, helping you align your trademark strategy with your overall business goals. They can advise on the best classes to file under and future-proof your brand’s intellectual property.

7. Access to Technology

Many professional services use advanced software to manage filings, track deadlines, and perform comprehensive searches. This technology can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the filing process.

8. Stress Reduction

Navigating trademark filings can be stressful, particularly if you’re unfamiliar with the process. Outsourcing relieves this burden, giving you peace of mind that experts are handling your intellectual property rights.

9. Long-term Relationship

Building a relationship with a trademark professional or firm can provide ongoing benefits as your business grows. They become familiar with your brand and can offer continuity and deeper insights over time.

Why choose Stealth Agents for Outsourced trademark filings?

Choosing Stealth Agents for outsourced trademark filings provides expertise, comprehensive services, and global reach, ensuring accurate and efficient applications.

Their competitive pricing, advanced technology, and personalized approach offer excellent value and tailored solutions.


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With exceptional customer support and strategic guidance, Stealth Agents simplifies the trademark process and provides ongoing protection for your brand’s intellectual property.


Outsourcing trademark filings can simplify the management of intellectual property, ensuring accuracy and timely processing. By leveraging specialized services, you reduce the burden on your in-house team and enhance operational efficiency.

To further streamline your process, consider the option to outsource a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant can manage the administrative tasks associated with trademark filings, allowing your team to focus on strategic decisions.


Embrace the benefits of outsourcing trademark filings and virtual assistance to optimize your intellectual property management and stay competitive.


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