30 Business Debt Financing Key Terms

30 Business Debt Financing Key Terms

30 Business Debt Financing Key Terms





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Welcome to our guide on 30 business debt financing key terms! In this article, we will discuss the essential terminology you need to know when it comes to securing financing for your business. Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand, understanding these terms is crucial in making informed decisions for your company’s financial future.

As a business owner, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the financing options available and the terminology associated with them. Knowing these terms will not only help you navigate through the process of securing funding but also allow you to make informed decisions that align with your company’s goals and financial capabilities. It can also help you communicate effectively with lenders and other financial professionals, increasing your chances of securing the best financing options for your business.


  1. Debt Financing: Obtaining funds for a business by borrowing money, often through loans.

  2. Principal: The initial amount borrowed or the remaining amount of a loan that is yet to be repaid.

  3. Interest Rate: The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the loan amount.

  4. Term Loan: A loan with a fixed repayment schedule and maturity date.

  5. Amortization: The gradual repayment of a loan through scheduled payments.

  6. Secured Loan: A loan backed by collateral, such as assets or property.

  7. Unsecured Loan: A loan without specific collateral, relying on the borrower’s creditworthiness.

  8. Creditworthiness: The assessment of a borrower’s ability to repay a loan based on financial history and reliability.

  9. Lender: The entity or institution providing the loan.

  10. Credit Agreement: The legal document outlining the terms and conditions of a loan.

  11. Covenant: A condition or requirement specified in a loan agreement.

  12. Debenture: A type of unsecured bond that represents a long-term debt obligation.

  13. Default: Failing to fulfill the terms and conditions of a loan, such as missing payments.

  14. Collateral: Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan.

  15. Leverage: The use of borrowed funds to increase the return on investment.

  16. Senior Debt: Debt that takes priority in repayment over other debts in case of liquidation.

  17. Subordinated Debt: Debt with lower priority in repayment compared to senior debt.

  18. Credit Rating: An assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness, often assigned by credit rating agencies.

  19. Debt Service: The total amount of principal and interest payments due on a loan.

  20. Floating Interest Rate: An interest rate that can change periodically based on market conditions.

  21. Fixed Interest Rate: An interest rate that remains constant throughout the loan term.

  22. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: A financial metric comparing a company’s debt to its equity.

  23. Interest Coverage Ratio: A measure of a company’s ability to meet interest payments on its debt.

  24. Loan Agreement: A formal contract outlining the terms and conditions of a loan.

  25. Maturity Date: The date on which a loan must be fully repaid.

  26. Loan Origination Fee: A one-time fee charged by lenders for processing a loan application.

  27. Prime Rate: The interest rate at which banks lend to their most creditworthy customers.

  28. Working Capital Loan: Short-term financing to cover a business’s operational expenses.

  29. Debt Refinancing: Replacing existing debt with new debt, often to secure better terms.

  30. Bridge Loan: A short-term loan used to bridge a financial gap until more permanent financing is secured.



In conclusion, having a solid understanding of the terminology used in business debt financing is essential for any entrepreneur or business owner looking to secure funding. These key terms play a vital role in determining the best financing options for your company’s growth and success. By familiarizing yourself with them, you can make informed decisions and confidently navigate the world of finance. So don’t hesitate to educate yourself on these terms and watch your business flourish with the right financing.

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