Email outreach templates that you can use

5 Email Outreach Templates That Actually Work: Samples That You Can Grab

As a product or service seller, you might need few email outreach templates that help you communicate with your customer and build a bond that lasts forever. This is not very easy as email is formal communication, and you cannot always put all your expressions in words to convince them to respond. However, to start a conversation, you need an email. 

The email template’s goal is to produce a positive response from a customer, and for that email must have one communication goal. The aim of the goal would be to address the need/issue/challenge of that customer.

Emails help you generate leads, help conversion, develop a bond with customers, get his/her feedback, and allow retention. All these outreach emails have different templates that help you connect with the customer in a better way. 




Here are 5 email outreach templates that work

The slightly cold and warm emails

Sometimes your potential customers need to be addressed their problems. They might have changed a job and opened a new venture where they should try your product and service. Usually, these potential customers are difficult to engage with as we do not have any prior contact.

The only way to write them an email is to use a not-friendly template to show that you are all into them. It should be only about the product and service and how it relates to their need. These are called slightly cold emails, and here is a template. 


Hi [name],
Your [choose a product or service they are offering] is very useful to your customer! I have just reached out to my few contacts and talked about this recent addition to your portfolio. 
I was looking at your website, and it needs few fixes before you share it with everyone. 
Can I have a talk with your web team on it? As it is difficult to share everything on emails, let’s talk on the phone for details.
[Your name]

This is one of those email outreach templates that has a striking balance on how you may want to fix something or offer your service by showing a small concern for their product and service. There is no direct selling or buying, but just a slightly cold initiation of conversation. 

However, you can always be warmer in your conversations for generating a lead. The warm email templates use slightly friendly language to develop a comfort zone to generate a response in their initial emails. Here is a template. 


Hi [name], 
I hope everything is well at your end. I have recently visited your website and saw an amazing addition to your portfolio. 
Great stuff!
Meanwhile, I searched for some services; I found that your [product or service] will benefit [the person or organization]. However, there are few simple fixes required on your website.  
I can help you with that if you are willing to look into my [product or service]. 
Either way, keep up the amazing work! Don’t hesitate to reply if you need any help with that.
Best Wishes,
[Your name]

Setting up phone call email

In some cases, few email outreach templates instigate your potential customers to interact through a phone call. These are the situations where your product or service needs explanation. It isn’t easy to engage someone as people need this is only for selling purposes, but you must be choosy in your words to make the recipient listen to you. 


Hi [name]!
I hope everything is well at your end. I have recently visited your website and saw an amazing addition to your portfolio. 
Great stuff!
Meanwhile, I searched for some services; I found that your [product or service] will benefit [the person or organization]. However, there are few simple fixes required on your website.  
I need your 15 minutes to explain how you can achieve your goals by resolving this minor problem.
Let me know if we can talk at these available time slots:
[Date & Time]
[Date & Time]
[Date & Time]
Keep up the amazing work!
Best Wishes,
[Your name] 


Following up after phone call email

Once you are successful in making a phone call with your customer and explaining your product, you may need to do follow-up emails to keep him/her in the loop. This helps you to bridge the possible information missed in the phone call. 

Also, these emails help to learn whether your customer is interested or not. You will not always end up in sales with the first phone call, and you need to check with the customer time and again to see if he thinks your offer is valid. 

Here is how these email outreach templates do this. 


Hi [name],

It was very nice talking to you and learning how you shifted to another portfolio. You did a great job, and your [role] at [company] is valuable.
I understand the problems you face [challenges discussed in conversation] and what makes it harder to [do X discussed in call].
Knowing these issues, I am attaching a list of services you can avail of to [achieve a goal] and resolve [problem in the company].
Let me know if you have any queries on the resources we have. I can discuss with you in detail how we will be managing that for you. 
I am looking forward to talking to you again on [date and time].
[Your name]

Customer experience outreach email

This is the most crucial of all the email outreach templates that we use for customer interaction. Once your sale has been made, it is essential to learn the things your customer feels about it or can he/she/they use the product or service later on. 

The customer experience surveys are available online, but you can send him/her a direct email asking for feedback to have a direct engagement.

Customer experience emails should be lengthy and must have content that explains how you need feedback. Sometimes these emails need a direct reply from the customer for his/her experience. Sometimes some backlinks are attached to feed a response in the system.

Customer experience emails also contain feedback forms that relate customers to every aspect they want to talk about. 

Here is a simple template of customer experience outreach that might help to design one. 


Hi [first name],
As [position name] of [company], there is nothing important than keeping our service representatives on toes to deliver you the best of all we can do.
I would like to hear from you [the problem you’re solving]. There is nothing more important to me than what you struggle for and what you want to achieve. And being on that journey with you, I want to know what you like or dislike about our [service or product]. 
There could be things that you still want to overcome in your project, and if you find yourself helpless, I am willing to manage it again for you. You need to get back to me and tell me how you found our [service or product].
If you would like to talk for 10-15 minutes for the feedback, it would mean a lot to me. I promise that I will do whatever I can with the best of my resources to overcome all the challenges with you.
If you are interested, reply to that email to set up a call, and let’s have a look into how we can further help you in your endeavor. Thanks so much.
[Your name]

Customer development and retention emails

Building a business is arduous work, and building a customer base is even more challenging. Customer development emails help you build better prospects for the future. Here is an example of this email.

After sending a cold or warm outreach email template, you can send this template if he/she positively responds. 


I hope everything is fine and in great spirits. 
As I mentioned earlier, I am trying to build a new business that might help your [serivce or product] achieve [goal/goals]. I wondered if we can have a little talk on the phone to check what you can avail of from [service or product you offer]. Currently, I am not selling anything, but I am interested in knowing how your [whatever service they offer].relates to my work. 
Let me know what time works for you, and thanks in advance.
[Your name] 

Also, it would help if you had not only a prospect in business. Sometimes you have to work on your existing customers. For that, you may need one of the email outreach templates as below. 


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As [position name] of [your company], there is nothing more important to me than delivering you the best [product or service]. 
But one of the precious lessons I have learned over time that the best [product or service] doesn’t matter if We don’t know the challenges and problems faced by the customer. Also, to be more precise, update anything in [product or service] to overcome them. 
As [your company name] are looking to talk to every customer on Skype or call to hear about your experience with [your company]. You can discuss your likes and dislikes about our [product or service]. 
I am hoping that you spare 10-15 minutes of your time to have a chit chat. It would mean a lot. It would help in making [your company] the best it can possibly be.
If you’re interested, reply and I will send you instructions for setting up a call. 
You are our loyal customer, and we would love to have your feedback. 
[Your name]


In all the above email outreach templates, you need to be precise in your communication goals. Nobody wants lengthy emails and multiple goals in one email. That’s is why it is essential to use one template for one goal. All these templates will help you to address the goal at hand in an efficient manner. So, let the communication flow!

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