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Top Marketing Strategies For Your Business – Get More Leads & Sales

Top marketing strategies to make your business succeed

Competing with the big players may seem overwhelming, but remember that there are some advantages to marketing to get your business the most attention possible.

When you make a smart decision, you can implement it right then and there.

No need to have a board meeting or run it through a chain of supervisors.

What does this mean for your marketing efforts? You get to have fun and be creative.

While there are many ways to advertise your company’s goods and services on social media, some marketing strategies are undoubtedly better than others.



With plenty of business tools at your disposal, the sky is the limit. Here are the top marketing strategies that will help your business succeed.

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Top marketing strategies that will make your business a raging success

The Internet is not short on marketing books and gurus that promise quick success with their unique strategies and methods.

However, the truth is that many of those marketing strategies simply don’t provide the success they are promising most of the time.

To save you the time of looking for the right marketing strategies – we have selected a few that will help your business succeed without a doubt.

Create a fictional persona

What do Tony the Tiger, Aunt Jemima, and the Geico Gecko have in common? They’re all fictional characters made up to market a brand.

The brands each icon represents have become massive, but that doesn’t mean you have to be big to have a big personality.

If you think it’s right for your brand, create a fictional persona to be your spokesperson.

Run a contest

Larger businesses run contests all the time, but do you know how much red tape they have through? If you are a small business, your marketing team or person has a major advantage here.

Just be sure to follow the rules of your state and country, and if you have any questions, consult a lawyer.

Encourage check-ins

If you have a local business, check-ins are like gold, maybe even platinum. “Hey, Martha’s at XYZ Coffeehouse.

Let’s go meet her there!” Or, “I haven’t been there in a while. Maybe I’ll go tomorrow.”

Whether on Facebook or Foursquare, check-ins are like billboard advertising, word-of-mouth, and a recommendation all rolled into one free marketing effort.

Get creative with QR codes

Do you manufacture a product? If so, you may want to consider printing QR codes on the packaging. You can also add QR codes to things like postcards and flyers.

Just keep in mind that someone will only scan a QR code if they think they’re going to get something out of the deal.

So coupons, recipes, and contest entries are all good ideas.

Create a viral video

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Can you have a viral video before it goes viral? Technically, not, but you can use humor, cuteness, or shock value to help it along. Celebrity endorsements or cameos also help, but it’s not always easy to land such things on a small business marketing budget.

Announce an offer to a celebrity

Want to get a celebrity involved in your marketing campaign without paying him or her? There’s a way to do it, and it’s called newsjacking.

Here’s how it works. Monitor the news for any story that you can even remotely relate to your business.

Let’s say you own and operate a vegan restaurant, and you read that a celeb is trying a 30-day vegan challenge (the 22-day vegan challenge of Beyonce and Jay-Z).

Write a press release inviting the celeb (or celeb couple) for a free meal.

They may or may not take you up on it, but there’s a chance someone will find your offer newsworthy.

Run customer of the month promos

An employee of the month campaign is great for morale, but what about boosting the morale of your customers? When customers know you’re acknowledging their greatness, they are much more likely to frequent your business and recommend your services to their friends.

Fun customer satisfaction surveys

Want to learn how to become a better business marketer? It’s easy. Just ask your customers what you’re doing right (and what you’re doing wrong).

Always offer an incentive for them to take their own time to let you know how you’re doing. Contests and drawings usually work well. And don’t be stodgy about it.

Use real talk, and your customers are likely to be more honest with you.

Create an exclusive buyer’s club

This one works well if you manufacture your goods, but it can work for other shops and even service providers.

The key is to create an environment that makes customers feel like they’ve joined a club just by purchasing your product.

Ask them to upload images of them using it, and consider giving your loyal fans and followers.

Send text updates

There’s a fine line between convenient and intrusive here, and you want to be sure not to cross it. Be sure to keep those updates useful and use them sparingly.

If you’re having a really big sale, your customers will probably want to know.

Send one text and walk away. If they’re interested, they’ll stop by. If they deleted your text, it was for a reason.

Maybe they’re out of town or don’t have disposable income at the moment.

Don’t be a pest, and they’ll let you keep texting until they’re finally interested.



Choose the right social media sites

The first step in social advertising is to choose your advertising venues.

Pinterest, for instance, is ideal for companies selling products for women but is not the best advertising venue for companies selling chain saws and drills.

LinkedIn is ideal for wholesale companies but not companies retailing goods to the general public.

However, there are certain social media sites that every single company could benefit from.

These are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Promoting a blog is also a must.

Use video

Google’s recent and sometimes chaos-inducing algorithm updates have not affected YouTube.

Video marketing is and will probably continue to be one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site.

YouTube is owned by Google, so properly optimized YouTube content can easily earn a high search engine ranking.

You can create a how-to video explaining how to use your products, offer industry-related information, provide a free webinar or create a funny video showcasing something related to your company.

After creating and uploading the video, you simply need to add keyword-related tags and your company URL in the video description field.

Use infographics and images

Business Insider recently noted that photos make up over 90% of the most engaging posts on Facebook. While it is important to offer various types of social media content (links, videos, audio files, text, etc.), the importance of using photos and infographics should not be underestimated. People remember visual posts than regular posts and share them as well.

Offer discount coupons without any promotion in return

Most people (besides senior citizens) turn to the internet to look for discount coupons.

Make your coupons appealing to a young audience and post the coupon codes on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, and other business social media pages.

However, do not try to manipulate people into doing something for you to gain access to the coupon. Offers such as ‘Get 5% off if you retweet this message or like us on Facebook’ are cheesy and will do your company reputation more harm than good.

Network with others and use cross-promotion

Cross-promotion is one of the few marketing strategies that work just as well online as it does offline.

For example, a company selling children’s toys could team up with an ice cream shop to offer 5% ice cream discount coupons to anyone who buys one or more toys. Guest-posting on other blogs (and allowing selected individuals to guest-post on your blog) is also effective.

Schedule your posts

Your followers want to know when they can expect to hear from you.

Scheduling your posts on any social media site is not difficult, as this task can be automated using the right software program.

Choose a posting schedule that is realistic for you, and then stick to it. 

Blog regularly

Forbes noted that content marketing is set to become bigger than ever in 2021 and the years following. With the help of your VA for writers, you can offer unique, relevant, and high-quality content regularly that will boost your search engine ranking and show potential customers that you are an authority in your industry.

Engage audience on social networks

Social media is meant to be social. This means that you should not only talk but also listen.

You should actively solicit a response from those who read your posts. You may not like everything you hear, but failing to listen to your customers will bring about the downfall of your business faster than almost anything else.

Make sure your landing page is enticing, fully functional, and easy to use

While your website is not a social media site, many of your social media posts will probably link to it. No matter how effective your marketing ideas are, a poorly made landing page will render them completely useless.

Keep track of stats

Social media is changing all the time, and you need to change with it.

You need to keep track of not only how many people are coming to your site via social media but also how many of these people are turning into customers.

You should also note how much the average customer is spending on your site.

Gaining insight into your target demographics’  get help with Pinterest virtual assistant spending habits will enable you to tweak your marketing strategies and make them even more effective.



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