CometChat cloud-hosted chat platform review

CometChat Cloud-Hosted Chat Platform Review: Features And Alternatives

CometChat is a live chat software that allows you to connect with your customers. It can be deployed on the cloud which enables businesses to do text, voice, and video chat with customers. Users can share photos, play games, use whiteboards, and broadcast videos.

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Its key features include file sharing, real-time language translation, WebRTC, layouts, color, and language customization, screen sharing, typing indicators, last-seen notifications, emojis and stickers, and read receipts.

Users can also switch from text chat to video chat using this platform. Its pricing is based on the monthly active users. In this guide, you will learn more about the CometChat Cloud-Hosted Chat Platform.

Features of CometChat

This platform allows you to send and receive messages in real time. Users can leverage the messaging function and authentication.

The authentication function is really good and allows the users to send and receive not only text messages but also media attachments. This app is often used for educational purposes, but it works like a real chat app. The main features of Cometchat are:


It allows sending and receiving a text message and attaching media files. Users can send photos, videos, and other media files. Its messages box renders the messages that you have sent. The images and other media files are shown as clickable boxes.

When you click on the required files, it will open them in a new window and download them.

A screenshot of cometchat chat feature

Language Translation

One of the best features of CometChat is that it can translate language in real time. For instance, users can translate live chats so that people from all over the world can interact with them without any pitfalls.

Color customization

Users can also customize the look of this live chat platform that suit their website design. Moreover, you can change the text and background color. It also allows you to change the color of chat bubbles and login screens so that your site can blend easily.

Offers vibrant emojis and stickers

CometChat offers beautiful and lively stickers and emojis, which allow the users to express themselves in style. It adds collaboration tools to the user’s website so that users can complete their work in a short time without leaving the user’s site.

CometChat alternatives

There are a lot of alternatives that you can use instead of CometChat:


It is the best alternative to CometChat which offers powerful communication features.


It is another great alternative that you can use in place of Cometchat. It is a managed chat setup, chat API, and messaging SDK for mobile apps and websites. It is a great embeddable chat for Android, iOS, .NET, JavaScript, and Unity.


This software provides a powerful API to developers for phone services to send and receive messages and receive and make calls. Their products allow programmers to integrate communication methods into their programs and software more easily.


The chat script of ArrowChat can easily integrate with your custom website and existing user database. Users can access free web chat rooms for video calling.


This software enables you to add capabilities to your apps in real time without any problem with your infrastructure. You can build apps that allow the users to engage across your server, mobile, browser, and desktop in real time.

CometChat nulled: CometChat platinum and integrations

CometChat Platinum is a chat script that users embed into their sites. It enhances interactivity and enables you to chat with your pals and other users on the internet. For communication, it uses MySQL and standard PHP. On the server side, you need no other modules required. Moreover, it is used to create support on your website as a regular chat for your users.


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How to install CometChat on social engine

Follow these steps to install CometChat on the social engine:

Step 1

First off, you need to log in to your admin panel select the ‘manage tab’ option, and then select ‘package and plugins.’

Step 2

Now, click on the new packages.

Step 3

Hit the ‘add packages’ option and install the tar file after selecting socialengine.tar.

Step 4

Once your new package has been added, click on the ‘continue’ option.

Step 5

Click on the ‘continue’ button when it asks you to install the package for the CometChat module.

Step 6

You need to select the ‘none’ option for ‘FTP connection and hit the ‘continue button.’

Step 7

Once it completes the permission check run, click on the ‘continue’ option.

Step 8

At this stage, you will receive a message for ‘pre-install check’; hit the ‘continue’ button.

Step 9

The database has been updated, and now click on the ‘finalize installation’ option.

Step 10

After completing the installation, open the ‘back to dashboard’ link to view the CometChat tab in your admin panel.

Step 11

Once you select the CometChat tab, you will see an option to upload the CometChat zip file.

Step 12

Now, upload this CometChat zip file and view the CometChat admin panel by clicking on the CometChat tab.

Step 13

At this stage, you can manage advanced settings such as inbox synchronization and user group settings.

Inbox synchronization

You can enable and disable the inbox synchronization from the advanced settings of CometChat. When you click on the advanced settings button, open the synchronize inbox to the social engine. To enable this feature, select yes. On the other hand, select ‘no’ to disable it. Hit the ‘save changes’ button to save these changes.

User group setting

If you want to enable or disable some specific user group settings, click on the advanced settings of CometChat. Now, select the user’s groups click on the ‘hide cometchat’ button to disable it, and hit the ‘save changes’ button to save these changes.

How to install CometChat on IPB

If you want to install CometChat on ipb, follow the below steps:

For existing CometChat user

First off, install the provided hook and go into the global template.
Now, cut the footer code of CometChat. If this code is not the same as the provided default code, you see in the settings, override with your code. Go to settings, click on the ‘GEL Studios, and then click on CometChat.
Now, recache all your skin sets and set the settings.

For new CometChat user

If you are a new ComettChat user, then follow the below steps:

  • Install the hook and run through the installation process of CometChat.
  • At the end of the installation, you will see the footer code; copy this code.
  • Now go to settings, then click on ‘GEL studios and then CometChat.
  • If your code is different from the default value, overwrite this code.
  • Recache all skin sets and set the settings.

How to show a CometChat from the main website in a multisite

CometChat can be run across different domains and sub-domains. Follow the below steps once you installed it on CometChat at one location. This feature can be ideally used when you have installed CometChat on or Follow these steps to use CometChat on your domains:


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Edit cometchat/config.php and set BASE_URL. For instance,

Then set CROSS_DOMAIN to 1
For sub-domain, add the code to your website’s template.
Keep in mind that it includes the full URL path.
Add the code after the’ head’ tag:

If you want to use Cometchat in a sub-domain, you must log into your main website. For cross-domain, use the alternatives or Cometservice.

How to install Cometchat in phpFox

Step 1

In the ‘cometchat_UNZIP_FIRST’ folder, you will find two zip files. Unzip the file of ‘’ Here, you will find two folders inside it, i.e., ‘module’ and ‘include.’ Merge these files with the existing director (include’ and ‘module’) of your site.

Step 2

Now log in to the phpFox admin panel go to extensions and then click on import products.

Step 3

Install them.

Step 4

Now you have installed the CometChat plugin. Open the modules link, click on the CometChat, and then hit the admin button.

Step 5

Now choose the file and upload the file.

Step 6

CometChat is now installed.

Additional settings

User group setting

If you want to enable or disable a specific user group, then click on ‘manage user groups.’ Choose the ‘manage user settings’ and click the ‘cometchat.’ To enable it, select yes and save the changes.

Inbox synchronization

You can enable or disable the inbox synchronizations from extensions. Select the ‘plugin’ option and then click on’ manage plugin.’ Select the ‘sync inbox’ option to enable it and save these changes.

Upgrading CometChat

If you want to upgrade to the latest version of CometChat, go to modules, click on CometChat, and then select the ‘upgrade’ option.

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