
Market Size Calculator

Market Size Calculator

Estimate the size and value of your target market.

The Market Size Calculator helps businesses estimate the potential size of their target market. By inputting variables like total population, target audience percentage, and average revenue per customer, users can determine the overall market value.



  1. Enter the total population or number of potential customers.
  2. Specify the percentage of the population that fits your target audience.
  3. Enter the average revenue per customer.
  4. Click “Calculate Market Size” to view the estimated market size and value.
  5. Use the reset button to clear inputs or the download button to save the report as a PDF.


  1. Market Size Estimation: Calculates the potential size of the target market based on user inputs.
  2. Dynamic Report Generation: Displays target audience size and estimated market value.
  3. Reset Functionality: Clears all inputs and results with a single click.
  4. Downloadable Report: Saves the market size report as a PDF for review or sharing.
  5. Responsive Design: Fully optimized for desktop and mobile use.
  6. Error Handling: Ensures valid inputs before generating the report.