70 Business Market Positioning Questions

70 Business Market Positioning Questions

70 Business Market Positioning Questions



The Power of Knowing Your Position

Navigating the treacherous waters of the business world is like sailing a ship on an ocean of opportunities and threats. In this vast sea, business market positioning is the compass that helps you chart your course. Your positioning is not just about where you are, but where you stand in the eyes of your customers in relation to your competitors. It’s about making pivotal decisions that can either set you on the path to success or drift you to anonymity.




With so much at stake, it’s crucial to ask the right questions as you polish your brand’s compass. To fine-tune your business’s market position, here are 70 inquisitive sails you can set on your market positioning journey.


70 Business Market Positioning Questions

Ready to dive into these questions guide your brand towards stronger market positioning? Here are 70 questions to get you started on course:


Personal Reflection on Brand Essence

  1. What are my brand’s core values, and how are they different from my competitors?

  2. Have I distilled my brand’s mission into a clear, compelling message that customers can quickly grasp?

  3. What does my brand represent or promise to deliver that is unique and valuable?

  4. How do I want my customers to feel about my brand after interacting with it?

  5. Are my brand’s visual identity and messaging consistent with the values I aim to project?

  6. What improvements can I make to align my brand identity more closely with my values?

  7. Are there external perceptions of my brand that don’t match my internal intent?

  8. What is my brand’s personality, and is it consistent across all touchpoints?

  9. Am I effectively communicating the purpose and benefits of my business?

Competitor Analysis

  1. Who are my direct and indirect competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?

  2. How can I differentiate myself in the marketplace?

  3. What gaps in the market are my competitors not addressing that I can exploit?

  4. What are my competitors’ market positions, and how are they perceived in the market?

  5. Where do I currently rank in both price and perceived value in comparison to my competitors?

  6. In what areas am I most vulnerable in comparison to my competitors?

  7. What strategies are my competitors using for market positioning, and which ones are working the best?

Target Market Assessment

  1. Who is my ideal customer, and what are their needs and pain points?

  2. How does my product or service solve my target market’s problems or meet their needs?

  3. Is my target audience sufficiently narrow to allow me to become a category leader?

  4. Are there market segments that my competitors are neglecting, which I can focus on instead?

  5. What are the demographics and psychographics of my target audience, and how do these affect their decision-making process?

  6. Where does my target market spend their time online and offline?

  7. What type of content resonates with my target audience, and how can I position my brand within that content?

  8. How loyal is my target market to existing brands, and what can I do to influence their loyalties?

Product Positioning

  1. What features or benefits does my product have that are better than my competitors?

  2. How do these features or benefits solve customer problems more effectively than other options in the market?

  3. What is the unique selling proposition (USP) of my product, and how can I reinforce it through my marketing efforts?

  4. How does the lifecycle of my product affect its market position, and what product updates will be required to maintain my position?

  5. How do I price my product or service to reflect its market position?

  6. Is my product’s distribution strategy helping or hindering its perceived value and accessibility?

  7. What channels and methods can I use to improve awareness and accessibility of my product?

  8. How do my packaging and presentation align with the perception I want my customers to have of my brand?

Marketing and Branding Strategies

  1. What is my current marketing mix, and is it effectively reaching my target audience?

  2. Which marketing channels are most effective at driving awareness, interest, and conversions for my brand?

  3. Are my marketing messages and branding consistent across all customer touchpoints?

  4. How can I leverage storytelling and narrative to strengthen my brand’s market position?

  5. What influencers and partners can I collaborate with to enhance my market position?

  6. How do I handle customer feedback and social proof to build my brand’s reputation and trustworthiness?

  7. How can I use scarcity, social proof, and other psychological triggers to strengthen my brand’s perceived value?

  8. Am I incorporating the latest marketing trends and technologies to stay relevant and engaging?

Brand Perception

  1. How do I want my brand to be perceived, and how does this align with my target audience’s perception?

  2. What strategies can I use to shift my brand’s perception more in line with my desired positioning?

  3. What measures can I take to protect my brand’s image, both online and offline?

  4. How do I monitor and measure my brand’s perception, and what key performance indicators (KPIs) am I using?

  5. What is my brand’s Net Promoter Score (NPS), and what actionable insights can I derive from these customer ratings?

  6. Am I regularly surveying my customers and prospects to gain deeper insights into my brand’s perception and market positioning?

  7. How do I respond to negative perceptions or a damaged brand image, and what can I do to repair it?

Company Culture and Market Positioning

  1. How does my company culture affect the way we position ourselves in the market?

  2. What are the internal challenges that may be affecting my market positioning, and how can I address them?

  3. How can I empower my employees to act as brand advocates and support our market positioning strategies?

  4. What are some success stories within my organization that I can use to reinforce my market position?

  5. How do I communicate my brand’s core values to employees to ensure they are reflected in their work?

  6. Are there areas of my company culture that need to change in order to improve our market positioning?

Growth and Adaptation

  1. What trends and developments in the market are shaping new market positioning opportunities for my brand?

  2. How quickly can I adapt to these changes and leverage new opportunities?

  3. What investments do I need to make in research and development to maintain or improve my market position?

  4. How do I stay ahead of the competition and anticipate market shifts that could impact my position?

  5. What are the competitive threats that could affect my market position, and how can I prepare for them?

  6. When is the right time to reevaluate my market positioning, and what factors should trigger a review?

Market Positioning and Sales Leadership

  1. How do my sales strategies and tactics contribute to my market positioning?

  2. How can I tailor my sales process to better reflect my brand’s market position and values?

  3. What can I do to provide a superior customer experience that reflects and enhances my market position?

  4. What incentives or promotions can I offer that are consistent with my market positioning?

  5. How can I train and support my sales team to embody my brand’s market position in their interactions with customers?

  6. What data or market research can I use to continuously refine and evolve my sales approach and market positioning strategies?

Online and Offline Presence

  1. How do I create a strong online presence that reflects and reinforces my brand’s market position?

  2. What is the right mix of online and offline marketing activities that will strengthen my market position most effectively?

  3. How can I leverage my online presence to reach new audiences or test different market positioning strategies?

  4. What offline events or tactics can I use to engage with customers and improve my brand’s market position?

  5. What is the future direction of my market positioning, and how can I start preparing for it today?




Conclusion: Navigate with Confidence

Market positioning isn’t about defining what you’re selling; it’s about understanding where you stand in a crowded marketplace and—more importantly—where you aim to land in the hearts and minds of your customers. By asking these questions and regularly revisiting your market position, you ensure that your business doesn’t just survive the storm; it thrives on the challenges of the open sea. So hoist the sails of your brand’s unique offering, set your sights on the horizon, and sail forth with renewed direction and purpose. Your brand’s journey has just begun.


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